
The joke is that she's obsessed with death and performed in a cemetery, not that she's cold.

I think Lana Del Rey Cemetery should be her new full name.

Unrelated to everything except the reference to Samhain in the first story, but are you guys doing the scary story contest again this year? Please?

frankly my dear you could use some goddamn weed yourself

PARTY IN JAMESTOWNNNNNNNN #chillsitch #420!!!!!!!

Did you notice that they buried her in boxing gloves. She must have kicked some ass in the afterlife.

Don't forget 40 carrots a day! You'll be so busy pooping, you won't have time to die!

Oh, the illuminati were around 2500 years ago with their cancer-causing substances and technology; they've just been hiding the evidence so the sheeple don't suspect it. If only this woman had known that drinking four gallons of water a day cures cancer....

You know, I could never buy into past life regression, but I think I'm feeling something here. *inhales bong hit deeply*

How do you pronounce Ukok? Is it "you cock" or "oooh cock"


Let's not pretend that this isn't fucking delightful.

Wiggling Animals Time!

How messed up is it that I played the video and my 5 yr old grandchild starts singing along with the song from other room? Sigh..

"It is not the Greatest Most Epic Thing Ever"

Um...cutest thing I've seen today.

You know, Anna Gunn was amazing on Deadwood in a thankless role, and it occurs to me that all of her memorable roles have been thankless. So kudos to her for putting up with that.

I don't know why so many cute animal videos insist on music. I'd rather here the rustling, barking, purring, and the like!

There is nothing I find more confusing than our culture's distrust of the bidet.