
I wonder if Hilary Duff knew she would be loosing one of her arms during this shoot.

Tucked away in this issue was a brief interview with Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut and Gore Vidal, I remember reading this issue and scratching my head at it's inclusion.

So as the top dog on the Shade court, does that make you Ruth Shader Ginsburg?

an intrepid pop culture reporter who goes to a school of witchcraft and wizardry, falls in love with head boy Tom Hardy, and also happens to be very good at breakdancing

You know, I'm beginning to suspect that Dr. Luke might not even be a real doctor.

You mean....yours isn't haunted???

Again unclear on why any of this precludes a person from being sexually assaulted.

I don't know anything about Channing Tatum other than his abs/arms but he always seems like a sweet guy under the guns. I just want to make him some soup and tell him it's going to be OK.

The only right answer is to fuck Anderson Cooper, marry Neil Patrick Harris, and kill Andy Cohen. I believe these are self-explanatory so I won't bore you with my reasoning.

not sure how this could have happened but...

"Maybe my Lord will notice me now....! *blush"

Heres mine

Beverly Cadillac Crust

Vaseline Chibatta Fluffy Princess.

Hey Jude

hey jude

I completely agree that the hospital and CDC are to blame here. That said, she knew she was at risk. It's just a given: You work with an Ebola patient, you are at risk. I'm not saying she should've opted to lock herself in her home for 21 days—I just think you should avoid hopping on an airplane if you can avoid it

I would imagine that this nurse was given all manner of assurances by her employer that it was perfectly safe to be taking care of Duncan and that she had nothing to worry about. she called the CDC and they told her to go ahead and fly. in hindsight, it's easy to criticize, but when you are told over and over again by