
You should have that side-eye checked out by a specialist... 'cause that shit looks chronic.

Oh come on now, just because it's a specific art form doesn't mean it's untouchable.

Brad Pitt's hair finally looks amazing again, after years of him looking skeevy. But he needs to get rid of that mustache.

Yeesh that stache... That gold chain... Eh, let's be real, would definitely still bang.

Her crime: Not giving a fuck.

As a woman that looks visibly middle aged in Hollywood I can assure you she has been discriminated against.

Unless you're hitting happy hour on a Friday with a ratty bun and sweatpants and a sweatshirt, you care.

I love that when she accepted her Tony Award she looked like she just stopped by while she was out running errands.

Well I don't say anything to anyone i know who has done it (I know several) but the whole concept fills me with fear and rage too. Rage that women especially are taught that their biggest value is in what they look like and only youth looks good. And feel so shitty about themselves that they have invasive unnecessary

Little lady, you should have known that you should not be working when you are *whisper* in the family way.

as he commented how my pediatrician must be appalled that I am exposing my daughter to so many germs in court.

Are you fucking kidding me?????

No joke. Tik, tock indeed.

I saw a documentary about her tour. A label official (or tour manager?) told her that the entire staff of the touring personnel — from dancers to offstage staff — said they'd sign up to work with her again.

Has anyone been able to find Kesha's Complaint online? The law geek in me has questions, especially because this appears to be a civil suit.

I love Kesha. I fell in love with her when I found out that, when she was in high school, she'd go to the local university and sneak into history classes because it's her favorite topic. She did the same for physics classes. Also also she refers to her vag as her "gold Trans Am."

Not everyone comes forward with their abuse. I wish that was common sense.

People on my facebook feed are saying: "He's also worked with Katy Perry, how come she hasn't come out with anything yet?"

Or, third option, I'm writing this from two months in the future.