
Yes I choose to believe the lies from *checks notes* the United Nations and the Geneva Conventions.

Former POW and torture victim says torture is bad.

You’re going to have to back that bullshit up with some sources.


Where did Randi go? Can we get her to put together a cute viral video or something?

lol one of the greatest statistical performances in NBA history and this is your reaction? wow. Maybe this sport just isnt for you

Yeah, but it’s a joke. They’ve actually announced their hire before they intend to comply. They’ll interview some black guy walking by the facility, claim he didn’t have enough experience, and hire who they wanted anyway.

Good god you’re an idiot.


no, really, what are you talking about?

Thing is, look at Dan when he’s asking this questions. He’s not trying to rile up Manfred for the sake of good radio or TV. Dude actually gives a shit about Miami and the people.

This is one profoundly moronic take.

Dan LeBatard is the single best thing ESPN has on their network. Period.

I’m really impressed with Capela. When he first came into the league, he looked like Adam West with a lit bomb over his head every time he touched the ball.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch headlines:


We here in Houston are perfectly happy with the thought of this World Championship keeping us feeling better about our situation for the next few years. I’m sorry our one bright spot this year bugs you so much.

If you look hard enough at the decision, it makes sense. But you really have to squint to see it.

I find it funny that these companies were so quick to delete this data. Since Twitter maks it damn near impossible to delete anything after a certain amount of time and Facebook keeps data lingering after you delete it but yeah, a bug lol

Ah yes, the rare and destructive “Kremlin wire transfer” bug.