
Is that you, Bryan?

Man, this is just ridiculous. I can’t believe we have to put up with shit like this in 2018.

“Ronald Reagan”

It’s definitely gotta be somewhere between “calling Michelle Obama a gorilla” and “shooting Medgar Evers in his driveway.”

What people don’t know is Strickland walked into that same wall in 2015 and wasn’t about to let it show him up again.

I’m and old, dry herb, and I think this sucks. The Rockets deserved to take this series, largely because of Paul. When he dropped in the final minute my heart broke. So brutal. 

The Warriors have some of the greatest playoff injury luck of all time. First they face a Cavs team missing two of its best three players both of whom were all stars. Then San Antonio loses a top-3 NBA player and MVP candidate while blowing them out in Game 1 of a playoff series.Then Houston potentially loses CP3 for

Poppycock. Just another excuse for this team. They have 4 of the top 25 players in the entire league. Just like they’re tired even though Houston has cut their rotation down to 7 (the Dubs played 10 guys last night).

For these two teams the Big Sports Take Industrial Complex has given us the conventional wisdom that says the Warriors are great at offense and the Rockets are bad at defense (whether or not that’s actually true almost doesn’t matter). So when the Warriors aren’t great on offense the assumption then goes to “well,

This is almost as ridiculous as the 48 different “why anyone who doesn’t think Russell Westbrook is the true MVP” articles that Mr. Mullet wrote last year.

and yet they still lead the series 3-2 because the Warriors seem to have lost themselves

It’s fair to wonder how much impact AI would make, but it’s certainly not on par with CP3 for the Rockets.

Shitheads are gonna be shitheads; the public shaming isn’t going to change this guy’s mind, or that of anyone else that shitty. All it’ll do is make him more fearful of expressing it.

While I get the “hey dogpiling is bad” sentiment, that really only applies towards people who have some rationale besides “I’m awful”

He was doing the things he was doing because he got away with it. He frightened and humiliated people- and there are three RECORDED instances of it. It seems safe to say that he’s USED to getting away with it, and has done it many more times than that. It also seems safe to say that he’ll now think twice about doing

Look, this guy said some shitty stuff ✔️ that I am sure ❌ he regrets ❌ in the light of day.


Now playing

What about the time he shouted “You are not a Jew” at Jewish people?

Nah, fuck this guy.

You think this guy will embrace a teachable moment? You really think he doesn’t believe what he said? If he regrets saying what he said, he only regrets the result. The bully gets bullied. Fair game as far as I’m concerned. Karma’s a bitch.

Shitty Take,