This.... I’ve never seen an elite team, much less one that is being called the best ever, get so many excusesadr for them. After Game 4 they were talking about being tired too, and the Rockets played less guys.
This.... I’ve never seen an elite team, much less one that is being called the best ever, get so many excusesadr for them. After Game 4 they were talking about being tired too, and the Rockets played less guys.
We don’t win this series if that guy doesn’t play the next two games, and that would be a tragedy.
You’re laughably wrong about lashing out having to do with Skipper resigning, given that Dan has been vocal about this going back to when the deal closed, and the resignation just happened.
LeBatard never refers to himself as a white guy. Actually, he makes it quite clear, quite often, that he is Cuban.
At what point though, considering that the scenario of the racial harassment played out, and then the clear physical contact multiple times, does some nuance get added here?
Interested to know if folks have a different perspective if she did in fact say something racially insensitive (as Mixon claims) as well as clearly initiate the contact?
She very clearly calls him over @ 0:23, so his presence clearly wasn’t unwanted at that point by her.
Good God, Donald Trump is so stupid, even when he’s trying to outsmart everybody.
These planted “Blacks For Trump” signs behind him made me laugh out loud. As a black man, I know one thing we don’t do, and that’s call ourselves “the blacks”.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Donald printed those up himself.