
Sorry, Amy. Someone’s got to take the hit for the team. Coz now what we have is an opportunity to raise an admonishing finger and say, “Ah, ah, ah! Remember Amy from the Ramble*? You may want to rethink this, Karen.” when faced with such a moment in our lives.

Thanks, I hate it.

Extra impressive that he could drive with some sort of horrific face void

Amen - there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Bell-Shepards owning some apartments. In fact, as rental housing stock in LA goes, you’re much better off having a celebrity couple like them for landlords (they’ll fix things, if only to avoid bad press) than some real estate investment ghoul like Steve Mnuchin who

That wealthy woman who tested positive, decided she was the exception, left Manhattan and went to that little hospital anyway should be put in jail.

Hey, can we get rid of Florida and give Puerto Rico statehood? Just sayin’.

Look at these two beautiful people with no fucks left to give.

While looking fabulous.

There were several damning parts of this email dump that stood out to me, and the most satisfying one was the missive from his own brother, which I’ve included below (quoted from this Vulture article), emphasis mine.

I’ve got no scruples and a WaPo subscription, so here ya go:

Alternatively, his mom lives lives in the attic of his house.

You can pull the sprouts from my cold, dead hands.

How about we never eat anything again, never travel anywhere, don’t smoke any more crack, and all just wither away and die in our bubble homes. 

Everyone else can weigh in on the substance, but I’d just like to state that I hate his affected “Britishisms”. Dude, you were BORN IN KENTUCKY.

We also sprung for a super fancy dinner, then spent the night in a super fancy hotel (that used to be a brutal jail, SYMBOLISM)! It was a great day.

According to a survey by Brides magazine, the average American wedding in 2018 cost $44,000, up from $27,000 just the year before.

OK but how do I join W.I.T.C.H

Don’t use your hazards! People behind you will have no idea what you’re doing. Put on your blinker towards the spot you’re parking at.