
Hell of a lede, though.

write a note in sharpie on the lid!

And, best use of an empty jar for lightweight backpackers: Rehydrate your dinner 30 or so minutes before you stop hiking. Cold ramen or rice and beans doesn’t sound great now but it’s so simple...

Can you call it a pleasant surprise when someone is convicted of rape?

“Look, I get it, the seats are small. You can’t really recline. The food is chincy.”

I wish people would acknowledge that it wasn’t always this way. Because it wasn’t. The only reason it is now is because the airlines cried after 9/11 about lost profits, then milked that for another decade while making enormous cuts to

I hypnobirthed both of mine and also felt it really helpful. I ended up having two fast labors (10 hours and 4 hours) despite my giant 10lb babies and figured it was because I was so relatively relaxed for most of dilation. Don’t get me wrong, crowning was not painless for me - but the whole process felt purposeful,

My wife used the hypnobirth method and they (or at least our teacher) admit in the first class how they know the name is dumb, but it really worked! My wife used a midwife in a hospital and opted out of any pain meds, she went into the deep breathing and just stayed in this meditative state the whole time. It was the

Issa is gorgeous. Always thought so. Looking immaculate these days. I’m just going to add - I saw Lisa Rinna at Soul Cycle in my class, and honestly she was really sweet to the staff and seemed fun. I don’t watch Housewives but she seems kind of like a campy, fun person who doesn’t take it too seriously but is cashing

her side boob steals the show imho

France, can we talk?

But now I can bear it again and I NEED IT 

Oh, and again, you do not have to buy the stuff.

VOTER: He’s asleep. And I’m imaging, you know, the parlor game I play is thinking about running mates, and what tag team is gonna beat the monster. Is, do you whisper into Bailey’s ear, “Who is going to be my Mike Pence? Who, who, who is going to look at me with adoring eyes every time I stand up?”

So, while you are less likely to have vaginal tearing with a csection, it’s major abdominal surgery and they have to cut muscles and nerves. Nerves freaking hurt when they grow back. Weeks of random incredibly painful zaps. It’s been 4 years, and while you can’t see a scar on my skin, I can feel it through my skin.

Thank you for bringing attention to this ad.

C-sections can actually have longer recovery times and you are considered disabled for longer. It also involves a longer hospital stay. There are many reasons elective c-sections are not recommended for all, although I’m glad moms have choices.

My husband took this “great” pic of our daughter when they were doing the APGAR tests and I’m in the background, bloody, in shock, getting stitched up. Everyone in the room and all the lights are focused on my daughter and there’s just the one person helping me (as I’m hemorrhaging and have a 2.5 degree tear) in the

This ad has me bawling. I helped take care of my sister after she gave birth when I was 25 years old... I work in the healthcare field (specifically sexual and reproductive health), and I had NO idea the level of pain, discomfort, and suffering new moms have after vaginal delivery. My sister was in so much pain and

“Awwww it’s ok, don’t feel bad, it’s ok! Look, here’s what we’ll do, I think I can rearrange things so that we can allow you to do me the favor of taking my son with you to your private event, at great inconvenience to you, because I’d rather that than take responsibility for 5 goddamn minutes, for my own child.