
The X-Men and Spider-man movies have Fox News because they’re Fox films.

I’m a little disappointed that it’s poorly executed, because stylized cowboy American stereotype spies sounds entertaining.

As abhorrent and tone deaf as that ending was it was also a class warfare revenge fantasy where the lower class literally fucks the uppermost class in the ass.

Well Kingsmen was set in the U.K., so it’s not really American, other then the villains and it’s a place we see.

“... whatever Auric Goldfinger was up to when he tried to irradiate Fort Knox.” I believe he was trying to (permanently?) remove all American gold reserves from circulation, thereby increasing the value of his own gold by an order of magnitude. I’ve always wondered whether the economics of such a scheme are sound,

Something about the American stuff sounds like it was concocted in the 1980s by some behind-the-Iron-Curtain comic book writer who doesn’t really know a thing about America.

Tom Jones, of course, being unavailable due to a previous billionaire-orchestrated kidnapping.

The “right-wing” stuff feels a bit hollow because the first movie ends with a bunch of rich bureaucrats’ heads exploding (followed quickly by sodomy).

Hold on, you’re saying this is trash? A Mark Millar based film?

At present, the entire argument for the Graham-Cassidy bill is that if they don’t ram it down our throat in the next ten days, they can’t force it down our throat.

Despite its stupidities, I rather enjoyed Genisys. Jai Courtney turned out to actually be able to, you know, act, and I thought Emilia Clarke did just fine. I wasn’t a big fan of the John Connor thing, personally, but it worked okay in the context of the movie.

It! does have an exclamation mark, but only in the Terror From Beyond Space version.

Airplane!, Repo! The Genetic Opera, The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!, and Hangmen Also Die! are awesome, the original Ransom! from 1956, Tora!, Tora!, Tora!, Viva Zapata!, The Informant!, and Mars Attacks! are good and Tokyo!, Top Secret!, Seven Up!, I Want to Live!, O, Lucky Man!, That Thing You Do!,



No. These aren’t laughing matres.

I guess everyone went to see some mother movie instead.

Yeah that concept is at least as old as the Ancient Greek ideal of the "Philosopher king" (Plato, I think pushed for that). And pretty silly in practical terms. The problem is how to find this despotic paragon and what to do with him if he dies or become infirm. And how to find a similarly amazing replacement.