
Are Abel’s motivations really all that mysterious? I think he just genuinely wants to help his big bro Cain end their weird eternal torment— It seemed like Marcus felt compelled to kill him a couple of times there.

I finally forced myself to watch part of it for Lewis Tan’s scene. If that’s the best fight sequence in the series, then I don’t know how Inhumans could possibly be worse.

I like Alan’s work a lot, but I don’t know him personally beyond web interactions. Why do you say this?

Yeah, this is decidedly worse than Iron Fist.

Marvel needs to get their shit together (in the TV department)

Considering the showrunner for Inhumans also ran Iron Fist (and gave us Lumberjack Dexter), I don’t have high hopes for the rest of the season. However, that said, and seeing as Disney/Marvel invested a lot into the Inhumans storyline with SHIELD, I could see Inhumans limping to a Season 2 under a new showrunner, a

I just keep thinking of Johnny Carson’s skit character“Carnac the Magnificent” (which debuted a year before the comic book character).

The flashback of Medusa saying “Hello, I’m Medusa” - the line delivery was so bad it reminded me of Tommy Wiseau.

More like Inhumane.

I’ll confess: I am that elusive Inhumans fan. I was a big fan of the Inhumans stories in the 70's by Doug Moench, George Perez, and Gil Kane. I even got one of my first letters printed in one of those books (although it was given a weird, off-putting edit).

After reading all the previous reviews I expected this to be much, much worse but it had some entertaining moments. I was greatful for the loss of Medusa’s hair CGI because that was painful and both Swan and Mount improved once in human clothes (I wondered how uncomfortable their costumes must be). I too liked Gorgon

i’m sad that Leon never appeared on PoI again.

He was great

Nah, this won’t last that long and it’ll be soon forgotten

This is the exact question Marvel comics fans have been asking for the past 5 years.

The idea of the X-Men is definitely far superior, but in practice, Marvel is dropping the ball there, too. Using a team of mutants as a metaphor for oppression but composing 95%+ of that team with white straight people is dumb.

Now I know what the MCU would have looked like as a syndicated action block in 1998.

Before Hef, no one gave a damn about naked women. In fact, they were considered a nuisance at the best of times.

Well, there’s nothing anywhere in the production design that even suggests we’re a decade prior to TOS. Not the uniforms, not the technology, none of it. Hell, aside from the arrowhead insignia, nothing about the uniforms or set design really even suggest that this is Star Trek, aside from maybe “captain’s chair goes

yeah but Lone Star was a magic prince, the schwartz was with him.

I can’t help but love Norm MacDonald, but the uncomfortable penis joke was a bit much for me. With any other character, having them reveal themselves sexually would have been pretty taboo.

I would argue you haven’t actually seen the first episode of Discovery. You’ve seen half of it. Having seen episode 2 (which this review also covered), I can say that this was a classic “two hour series premier movie” and NOT two discreet episodes. They should have put both on TV and gone from there. The ending of