
They sort-of were militaristic, Squamate Primate - though more like a Special Forces whose job is more to Win Hearts and Minds rather than a straightleg service who’s job is to find the bad thing, and shoot it.

Actually, insect overlord, Section 31 existed from the start of The Federation - it was founded during the time of Enterprise. So it’s entirely likely this is some earlier Section 31 ship, practicing Mad Science in a bid to defeat the Klingons - because basically, All Human Engineers and Scientists are Doc Brown,

How do you know he was rejected by Section 31, Undead Kai Opaka? If you ask me, he sounds like exactly the kind of CO Section 31 would embrace like a long-lost brother.

WillB - I doubt most of us want to pirate it, but honestly DSC is the only show on CBS All Access most people want to watch. What with most streamers already paying for Amazon Prime Video, Hulu Plus, Netflix, Spotify and/or iTunes Music (or if you’re me, Pandora One!), HBO Now and/or Showtime Streaming, and probably

Not much to say other than Rest in Peace, Daytime Television Legend.

Because Shonda Rhimes has the peculiar genius of writing shows so soapy you groan in disbelief, even as you’re glued to your set, hooked on what’s going to happen next!

Reading your comment, @Ellestra, I suddenly flashed on Bernie Sanders showing up on the moon going on about “inequality” - and Maximus constantly trying to kill him, only to discover Sanders is Inhuman, and his power is he can’t be killed! After the third or fourth attempt, he looks at Maximus pityingly and says, “If

Yes, but did you ever try reading a French Postcard for the articles...?

I get the feeling I liked what I saw of it more than you did, Marsai. I will admit, the “ten years before ST:TOS” bothers me a bit, given the way ships, gear, uniforms and even races looked then is part of our cultural consciousness by now.

Or maybe it’s she was a good officer who made a Very Bad Call, and will spend the rest of the series redeeming herself from it...?

I re-loaded CBS All Access through my iPhone b/c CBS All Access finally has ChromeCast support - so I guess I’ll watch the rest of the first episode and the second one tomorrow.

Actually, <i>The Orville</i> makes <i>The Orville</i> look like Community Theater, @Mike Vago! It’s - not bad, but there’s a definite Small-Town Olivier feeling to Seth MacFarlane’s starring role, and the show still can’t decide if it’s a comedy or an “intelligent” SF series. Most of the cast seems to be playing it

The second Officer is a coward ?

@DomhnalTrump - sounds like I underestimated Aronofsky’s appeal! I figured his movies made their money back and maybe a bit extra, but were more critical than commercial successes. Good to know he can manage both.

Yes, they are, @marcus75 - and so’s The Kingsmen series.

Oh, bend over and take it like a man, @The Almighty Interrobang!

But is it enough to make The Ganglia - Twitch, @Lord John Whorfin?

The X-Men and Spider-Man movies usually have FoxNews as their Plot-Point News Channel. Since I happen to believe very strongly that FoxNews and Right Wing-Dom (I sure wouldn’t call what those yoyos peddle “Conservatism”!) are bad, I’m fine with making it the New Channel of Evil. OTOH, I still want to see Magneto have

Well, she played Chuck’s Badass Mom on Chuck, so that’s something....

If only that were true, C.H.U.T. - I’d put Sanders’s Medicare For All Bill in front of Trump, and cheer every letter he formed on his own.