
It will not be the first industry killed by greedy leeches.

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Rhythm & Hues were pioneers in the realm of creating CGI animals. They were the go-to for anything with a skeleton, muscles and fur.

This is happening in every industry. I would love to post one of my friends rants about how the salesmen over-promised the abilities of the production line or without the vaguest notion of how to calculate shipping costs, will give a shipping quote that destroys any profit the deal would have made, and still doesn't

But if you're a small VFX studio and your client is a big movie studio, even if they don't sue you into oblivion over the job you (rightly) refuse to complete because they won't pay, it will be impossible to get work with them or any other studio again. Pyrrhic victories don't pay the bills. VFX artists have to

I have to clean my ears, I guess: Right after you said "VFX studios are NOT 'vastly underpaid' for their work," it sure sounded to me like you described a badly-written contract that allowed VFX studios to be 'vastly underpaid' for their work...

Not for nothing... but that seems like a really shitty contract if the "creative" can make changes on a whim, and the "fixed bid" is never re-negotiated, even when the changes made add significant costs and labor.

He won't kill anyone because he thinks if he crossed that line, he wouldn't be able to stop going down it and would become possibly the most dangerous criminal ever.

Smart rich guy in a batsuit with electric, thermite & emp batarangs, plus training as a ninja, world's greatest detective, master of 127 different martial arts...

Wouldn't Iron Man be most comparable to Batman? Money and strategy are their powers, it's just that Iron Man made a suit and Batman made a Batarang(tm).

Captain America is clearly NOT Batman with a shield and no money. Um...super soldier serum? Black Widow is the most comparable Avenger to Batman when you break it down. Even the Black Widow-Hawkeye duo. But in a hand to hand fight, Cap would snap Batman's spine(he wouldn't because he's a great guy, but he could).

"Some people do believe in redemption and forgiveness"

Dixie cups?

40 Acres and a Brule
Land Of Cotton-Candy
Gingerbread House Slave
Mulatto Cookies
Whipped Cream

Dude, we've been over this, lots of times. She did not just use the N-word once. She ran a business where employees were forced to cater her private events without overtime pay, instead choosing to pay them in booze. She permitted a work environment where her brother was permitted to masturbate at work and harass the

Well...I"m sure she's getting a huge batch of support from southern white men and women who don't think she did anything wrong but she is CRAYZY if she thinks social media will ever forgive her. It wasn't Mel Gibson getting wasted and slurring Jews...this was "hey, I hold plantation parties where I threaten my black

The Onion Luther Ring Jr. would actually be a really good name for a blacksploitation speciality burger. I could totally see a cafe in Baltimore serving that for MLK day.

Another response that I saw was, " It doesn't matter, you'll just call it Tobey anyway." Lol.

Commenter AmeliaE posted this last night on Jezebel. I haven't laughed so hard in so long, it was absolutely cathartic. Poor Paula obviously isn't familiar with the term "troll-baiting." Bravo to the clever Tweeters who jumped all over this in record speed.

Didn't Jimmy Carter tell her to shut up and go do some good works for a while? She should totally listen to that.

I can dig it. Especially Chiwetel Ejiofor!