I see no reason to rush it though, it’s good they didn’t just decide “season two will come out in 2024, now come up with an idea.”
I see no reason to rush it though, it’s good they didn’t just decide “season two will come out in 2024, now come up with an idea.”
I enjoyed Kenobi too, mostly for McGregor’s performance.
Unpopular opinion, but I loved the Obi-Wan series. I also thought it ended perfectly and didn’t need a second season, so I’m actually kind of relieved to hear this.
as a mexican - i have no qualms with speedy. regardless of how “controversial” they are, theyre still important characters.
Speedy is a folk hero to many Mexican Americans.
No Pete Puma? NO PETE PUMA?!?!!?
really? no pepe or speedy? droopy?
I saw somewhere that Vermithrax Pejorative translates as “The Worm from Thrace that Makes Everything Worse.” Correct or not, that’s a pretty sweet name for a dragon. And, yes, it should be #1.
Much as I enjoy the How to Drain your Python movies, Number one is obviously Vermithrax Pejorative. The one dragon that actually gets the girl, if you take my meaning.
I feel bad for drivers facing these barriers. On one hand - yes, they are trying to save the lives of cyclists like me. But on the other hand, they make it tougher to watch YouTube while driving way over the speed limit. It’s a terrible inconvenience, that. What are they going to do next, force cars to stop before…
This was one year before Ellen coming out, so it scans. Coming out now has a bit of risk to it still but back then you just... didn’t do it if it could be helped, no matter how obvious it was.
There are many many great moments in the film, and I’d hardly call it “mediocre” opinions are like aholes, everyone has one!
Carrie is a revenge movie?? Can’t say I’ve ever seen it classified as that before. I always saw that movie as one of the great tragedies of horror, with a really sympathetic, lovely central character just getting beaten down by the world until she’s broken. Hardly a “revenge movie” arc. I mean, she does “get revenge…
Man, you can see the slight nod Robin gives Nathan after the quip “Don’t make me come out now”, that knowing look of “i got your back”
Just further proof that in spite of his demons, Robin Williams was a wonderful human being. RIP
I wonder if Kevin Kline ever gets asked to do it and he just says “WTF?”
Ok, ,this has me absolutely laughing out loud. “The ever-quotable Inigo Montoya (Kevin Kline) is a cornerstone of director Rob Reiner’s classic adventure, out to avenge the death of his father at the hands of “the six-fingered man.” I never realized that was Kevin Kline, all these years thinking it was Mandy Patinkin…
Our “old man” cat is about 19-1/2. His kidneys have almost completely failed, and I know he doesn’t have long left with us. He’s lost so much weight and is clearly starting to get a weak. But he doesn’t seem to be in pain or distress and is still grooming himself, so we haven’t wanted to send him away yet. I’m tearing…