
ooh, i should try pickling them. roasted radishes are indeed a revelation, too. good point!

yeah, no. and especially HELL NO to dandelions. they would take over if i didn’t wage war on them every summer.

radish leaf pesto and radish slices on buttered rye has made me rethink my longstanding indifference to radishes. omg, so good.

the only thing i can say i’m even partially surprised about is the vodka (i mean, they COULD be made in Russia or by Russian-owned companies). the rest are just silly.

i would think it would err on the side of washing until the dirtiest ones are clean, but what do i know.

i don’t get it. if modern dishwashers have sensors to tell how dirty the dishes are, then why aren’t they “sensing” that the dishes have been pre-rinsed, and adjust the wash cycle to be shorter automatically?

we did that, too. don’t forget snorting Jell-o!

i am surprised and amused that Japanese Wisteria is considered invasive. we dream of planting some in our yard, but we live in a drought-stricken environment, and worry about keeping it alive, let alone thriving enough to invade somewhere else nearby.

i’m 54 now, and snowboard every weekend during the winter. if you’re interested in learning, i say do it! BUT, i will also encourage you to get a lesson. learning the right way off the bat is really helpful, and it will be a LOT safer than just borrowing equipment and trying to learn with a friend.

i learned snowboarding in my 30s. age is a just number.

yes, me too -- exactly the same experience.

i was never able to make flossing a habit, but then i got a waterpik, and damn, do i love that thing. this article doesn’t mention it, but i think they all have a dial where you can adjust the strength of the pulse. i started out very low, and then as my teeth and gums got used to using it i slowly dialed it up.

hmm, that’s never been a problem for me... lol

well, drinking water won’t help after (it’s too late then), but before and during, and again before bed? it’s helped me avoid hangovers more often than not for over 30 years. i swear by it.

i think that sometimes it’s not about protein, it’s about texture in the dish. i think the focus on protein for every meal is a bit overblown, kind of an American thing.

i haven’t even received my refund from LAST year. they are so behind. my accountant says if i want to spend an hour on the phone, waiting to try and talk to them, it’s up to me. but the info i get from the IRS website by entering my info says the refund is still in process. i hate that WE have to be timely with our

in my experience, the slopes tend to be packed in the morning, and then a lot of people bail at lunch to head for parties, and the rest stay at the resort and watch in the bar(s). but yeah, the slopes themselves tend to be emptier in the afternoon, and that’s a nice thing.

omg, i did NOT need to know these exist. i want some, immediately. /drool

we can hope.

i was sort of expecting this article to point to some examples of the rare collectible things to look for, but it didn’t touch on it. there’s lots of old vinyl from the 60s and 70s that fall under people’s radar these days that are collectible, like early pressings and whatnot.