
hey, don’t slag on my beanies! they are my retirement fund, and they will be worth millions, i say. MILLIONS!!

so, in summary: it’s probably not.

the choice of that photo for this topic is inspired, lol

considering that yesterday was Int’l Holocaust Remembrance Day, i was fully expecting Schindler’s List to be on here. still think something should be bumped to make room for it. i’ve only managed to sit through it the one time, in the theater, but once was enough so far. when the lights went up, nobody in the theater

i had my first one a couple years ago (pre-pandemic). everyone warned me in tones like this article that it was a horror show experience, but in the end (ha) it really wasn’t that big of a deal. the prep was uncomfortable but not a nightmare, and the people were great and the procedure was so fast that i felt like i

i’d take Fargo over Lebowski, but yeah, the Coens are definitely missing, too.

Pee Wee’s Big Adventure was my first thought, too. it’s as weird and quotable and flows from scene to scene as much as Princess Bride.

i actually loved Branagh’s Hamlet, too, lol — but as for Zeffirelli, one of the things he did that was groundbreaking for Romeo & Juliette is cast actors at the appropriate ages for the leads.

i simply can’t believe Zeffirelli’s Romeo & Juliet isn’t in here. god how i love that movie.

fair enough, that’s true, but the general rule for making pasta for decades now has and continues to be “salt your pasta water” (it’s even on the instructions on the package), so it just seems like a good way to kill your plants if you use it for watering them. all i’m saying is, maybe think twice with the pasta water

i’m assuming salty pasta water is bad, but pasta water that hasn’t been salted is fine, right? (but who doesn’t salt their pasta water?)

come on, Back To The Future totally deserves a spot.

seems to me that being guilty of contempt of congress should carry a much harsher penalty — when were those fine rates set? it feels like they should be adjusted for modern times, or at least scale to be commensurate with the gravity of the crime. also, i think congress should consider their power to arrest more

you’re thinking of The Big Chill.

waxed mustaches haven’t gone anywhere, just pointing that out. source: my own waxed mustache.

thought so. thank you! gotta remember this for... later today!

the Comedy Central clip has her briefly saying something about someone who’s not Shatner. (??)

as an MSG fan, i’m curious about just how much MSG you use. i’m thinking just a scant amount would do it -- the tiniest of pinches, if you will. is that right?

don’t conflate one thing with the other. there are ways to have a beard and still comply with masking protocols, so there’s no need to shave them off and violate someone’s personal belief. there are very few actual world religions that have long-standing resistance to things like vaccines, and even those have

even though you might not die from Omicron or any other strain, that doesn’t mean you won’t have a risk of life-long medical issues as a result of catching it. that’s not a “little annoyance” to me.