
how did i end up stopping my bully in high school? i didn’t do any of these things, and i’m surprised nobody mentioned this: i literally took the “My Bodyguard” approach, and made friends with this guy who was bigger than my bully, and was known as a stoner, and therefore a “bad/dangerous” kind of guy. when he caught

PW’s Big Adventure wasn’t considered because, after all, it’s good. a classic, in fact.

there are so many more important things i could do with my time, and i certainly never even thought it looked like a boob before now, so thanks, i guess?

love the idea of using pistachio Jell-o!

Every Thanksgiving we joke about a variation of ambrosia we make that we call The Pink Cloud — it’s Cool Whip, cherry pie filling, a box of cherry Jell-o powder, crushed pineapple, and broken pecans. i love it, most people grudgingly eat a token amount, and there’s always a HUGE amount left over, because no matter how

whoa, i got tapped for a slide entry? this is a first. i’d like to thank the Academy, my husband for being my rock, and all the little people. you know who you are.

kind of a bait and switch to list it as “Star Wars (1977)“ when the part in question wasn’t in the original movie, and only was added in during the Special Editions. should’ve just said “Star Wars (1997)“

Quote: “...The first episode laid out a very clear and compelling thesis: 1. There is a mathematical formula demonstrating civilization is about to end, and 2. There is another formula that can be implemented to blunt the worst of it. But ever since then, Psychohistory has become nearly an afterthought...”

well, that was a related point for me, too: there’s lots of delicious, better alternatives!

turkey, obviously. those poor birds have been bred to the point of being an abomination, and factory farming is killing the planet.

that’s right, we are coming, and we are cool with grudges. seize the power of the AARP for our own uses, fellow Xers!

you would think, but no.

omg, truth. love his version!

green bean casserole is delicious. fight me.

multiple people buried in a single grave has been a thing as long as there’s been graves, kids. it’s not creepy, it’s called “we only have so much space for graves, maybe consider being cremated.”

the Galactic Dynasty stuff, while not from the books, is a *brilliant* bit of sci-fi and simultaneously a very clever way to solve the problem with so many jumps in time. it gives the viewers something to hang on to while other things skip around. i love it, and especially episode three, with the ritual of the death

i don’t know how it’s even possible that a movie starring Tom Hanks was able to miss my radar. i would think he’s a star of such huge caliber that even i would’ve heard about this movie, but this is the first i’ve heard of it. it looks good to me!

omg, thank you. all of it. it’s all 100% the truth. the constant fear mongering of GERMMZZZ is exhausting.

Something Wicked This Way Comes. it’s a bit spooky (but on a Disney circa the 1980s level), but it’s alllll about autumn, both the season and a period of life. [EDIT]: also, it’s Ruth Gordon, not Ruth Roman in Harold & Maude.