
Venmo? no way. Cash app is where it’s at. and if i don’t mind being the old, then what do i care what the kids think?

i am definitely intrigued!

is it? i need to try it, along with the Tomato Soup Cake recipe.

the “everyday” vs “every day” one is one of my pet peeves. i see it misused all the time. every day, you might say.

brilliant! this is the creative thinking, i am sure, behind the vintage “mayonnaise cake” recipe from the 1950s making the rounds. after all, eggs and oil are used in cake all the time, so i bet some cook back in the day was making a cake and realized they were out of eggs and thought, “hmm, what if i just use mayo?”

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i love how “sending me” is back again. it was slang for the same thing back in the 1950s:

lol! it’s true!

also, we were texting before millennials even knew what texting was. so they can get the hell off my lawn.

Magnolia is what made me fall head over heels for John C. Reilly. lots of amazing movies on this list.

i heard that, too — i think it’s like 1/3 of the people with Long COVID have had their symptoms diminish or go away entirely. i think it’s because the vaccines are more full-spectrum (if you will) than whatever variant you may catch before vaccinated.

thank you.

there was a recent study in India that shows that masking is way more than just theater. it’s simple and effective.

gee, what a surprise.

i’ve started using plain yogurt, thinned a bit with (pasta) water. works great, and adds a bit of tang.

What? The cotton bags we use most often hold at least four or five times as much as the plastic bags the grocery store uses, and we never need to double bag anything no matter how heavy.”

argh, i’m pretty sure our kitties are now experiencing arthritis, especially our male, who has taken to chewing his feet, licking his entire belly area bald, and now chewing off the hair on his back legs on the inside, all the way down. we’e been giving them both joint supplements, which help, but i think there’s more

i definitely would prefer that to a slide show.

wow, inspiring advice. i agree that learning how to fall in front of other people and get up and shrug it off is a HUGE hurdle for adults. kids fall all the time in front of other kids (and adults), but as adults aren’t used to falling in front of our peers. i skateboarded back in the 70s, but i’m not sure i could do

i wasn’t intending to garner sympathy, but thank you : )