
my problem is that getting covid last year apparently gave me tinnitus. i didn’t have it before i got covid, and it’s on the (long) list of forms of Long Covid. i was really hoping that when i got vaccinated that it would go away, like some people reported of their symptoms, but nope. now i take consolatioin by

what a beautiful light, gone out too soon. i loved her.

and, it’s *still* the best of the three new “main” movies.

*smacks forehead* why didn’t I think of that??

and here i sit, staring at the weekend and fresh out of gin AND Campari! what’s a Dr. to do??

...except the acid from the pine needles kills your grass. you really can’t win with any kind of tree, so i think it’s a matter of choose your aggravation.

i wouldn’t feel bad — everyone knows that spammers have ruined phones, that most people don’t answer their phones now, and if it’s important it’s no big deal to leave a message.

definitely! i prefer my cocktails less sweet and more booze-forward, anyway.

oh yes, i’m well aware. but sometimes a slight dilution is fine, and you don’t want the sweetness of a rich simple syrup.

you forgot the most important part: the cocktail.

those sound delish, but i’m looking for something to do with the *cobs* -- i already removed the corn from them, haha.

omg, thank you! i kept looking in settings for a global switch, and i was getting so frustrated.

i actually have 4 cobs i saved from grilling last weekend in my freezer right now, and i’m looking for things to do with it. basically making corn dashi/stock, sure, but are there any other things? this milk sounds good, but we don’t buy milk (lactose intolerant family member). just looking for other ideas besides

what about Youtube? used to be you could toggle off a “continuous play” slider, but now i can’t even find a setting for it. if i play one video and have to leave the room for a sec, i don’t want it to automatically play some other thing after it’s done — i want it to just stop!

i never knew this was a thing until now. i’ve never been happier to not be a runner, lol

not just mayo, but ALL condiments. it’s all about maxing out the flavors! also, anti-mayo people definitely are the weirdos.


well played. i have no arguments against your stance.

TikTok Is A Never-Ending Stream of Bad Financial Advice.

who knew so many people could be triggered by an article about astrology?