
fwiw, we have Virginia Creeper and it also requires vigorous pruning. it grows so fast i swear you can see it grow. it also sends up runners and is pretty invasive, too, so i think in more water-rich environments you would want to keep an eye on it.

no, it’s actually currently because of wildfires. smog hasn’t really been as much of an issue for quite awhile now.

i’m honestly surprised that Saving Private Ryan isn’t on this list.

i love that surfing is included, but how are they going to do it, i wonder. i mean, it’s reliant on the ocean, which i would guess can be finicky in producing the right waves for good competition. i’m not a surfer, so hopefully someone who understands can weigh in.

this one’s a double-whammy, or next-level evil, if you will: not only is it a slide show, it’s a slide show of VIDEOS.

whenever i need to wind down, i go back to the very beginning of my day and try to remember, in as much detail as i can, my entire day in order. it usually makes me so tired i never make it past breakfast before i fall asleep.

best thing i’ve learned from comments in AGES. thank you!

fair. anything, just to include Harvey Milk’s contribution.

omg that movie is amazing. i agree.

exploring queer history and not including Milk seems like a large oversight. i know that some movies had to be omitted, but we’re talking history.

right? there’s an entire 4th of July kind of event called the VP Fair, for crap’s sake. get your funnel cakes over this-a-way!

ooh, interesting. same proportions? can the recipe be halved?

loving the idea of a rum salt!

I actually have a website bookmarked that helps me figure out this stuff, too (it’s https://www.dadcooksdinner.com/salt-by-weight/), but most of the time it’s not a huge issue, except when i’m baking bread and need to convert salts for a recipe. I can definitely see how it would be crucial for fermentation!

true confession: because i’ve heard that the opening scene is a crusher, i haven’t seen Up. not sure if i want to...

to complicate things even further, different salts have differing salinity! for instance, most recipes seem to mention either sea salt or diamond crystal salt. I have sea salt on hand and i use it from time to time, but i can’t seem to find diamond crystal salt to save my life locally, so i use coarse kosher salt.

that tweet is just so heartbreaking. “tell the gang i’ll see them in a bit”? please, Ed, no!

Carey Grant and Myrna Loy? i’m in.

we follow the flag code, only fly the flag (properly) on certain days, and also have been marching and voting and fighting against all kinds of horrible injustices for decades. i feel that flying the flag every day and making it into all manner of things cheapens it. and i’m totally NOT cool with the confederate flag.

whoa, i had no idea it was a remake, and that there was a sequel remake! now i need to check those out...