well, they change it up from time to time, but i can never tell the difference, to be honest. they are always just delicious to me.
well, they change it up from time to time, but i can never tell the difference, to be honest. they are always just delicious to me.
right? brain clouds! haha. Another great Hanks movie that should get more love is Money Pit. we quote that one all the time, especially after buying our own home.
it will happen, i’m sure. i actually prefer Beyond’s patties to Impossible’s. even though they are the same by weight, the Beyond one is round and fatter, and easier to cook right in my opinion. the last time i tried Impossible’s patty, it was so thin i accidentally overcooked it. (still tasty, but still)
i have looooong stumped for Joe vs. The Volcano. so happy to see it on here, along with so many other movies i love and didn’t realize were box office flops. (Gattaca? was that really a flop??)
in general, i think we in the U.S. are waaaay too paranoid about food going bad. we throw out so much that is still perfectly edible and fine to eat, just because some date is printed on the package (designed to benefit the company that supplied it, not the consumer). it would be a good thing if we could learn to…
i avoid this problem by not taking nudes in the first place.
they get very long and seem to be all stem, no leaves. i think @justAustin is right, and they are reaching for sun. i have them in a garden window, which i thought would be enough, but that side of the house does tend to get shaded by the neighbor’s house. i think i’ll try moving them.
all the succulents i have tried seem to get super leggy, and i just honestly don’t know the right way to take care of them. they drop lower leaves like crazy, and just keep a bundle at the top alive.
considering it’s twitter, i’m surprised you can’t tip using bitcoin.
someone pointed out to him that just a couple weeks ago a gay rapper did a lap dance for satan and nobody cancelled him, so his argument is ridiculous.
i need to eat an entire bag of waffled mini-potatoes now to get that woman out of my head. she’s right, but omg who gets so worked up about potato hate? haha
hmm, since i had COVID back in August i have been trying to keep informed on this sort of thing, and i swear i read that they fade pretty quickly. that being said, it’s all a moving target and new stuff is constantly being learned about the virus and how our bodies react to it, so maybe my info is just outdated...
kind of surprised M*A*S*H isn’t on this list. the TV series was kind of a reboot on the coattails of the success of the movie, right?
fwiw, antibodies fade. they don’t last more than a handful of weeks past the recovery window.
any songwriter would kill to have written any of his hits, but i think “Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad” is really his best song, and it gets overlooked for “Paradise by Dashboard Light” and the other Hits.
well, i live in a high desert area, so yeah, water can be scarce, especially in the winter, and lately any time of year because of drought. i guess i’m happy they only want water -- if they went just 6 feet further they would discover the kitchen, and all the food therein O_O
they could just be coming in for water, too -- at least, ours were. they headed straight for our cats’ water bowl, and totally ignored their food. could not get rid of them until we just broke down and signed up for a regular exterminator service.
peanut butter sandwich, definitely. one of my sort of guilty pleasures.
people peel kiwis? i can’t imagine why anyone would bother.
well, it makes sense when you see it. it’s from the 1930s, it is art deco in basic stylings, it’s a dusty pink, and it matches the sink and the bathtub, all of which are original to the house.