right? i’ve been banging on the table about this series for decades, and it’s totally perfect for now. i can only suspect that the family is holding onto it for their own reasons.
right? i’ve been banging on the table about this series for decades, and it’s totally perfect for now. i can only suspect that the family is holding onto it for their own reasons.
ohhhhhh.... well then, now i gotta try this.
i love this idea so much. the only problem i have with it is that box mac & cheese is our ultimate lazy-night go-to meal because it can be made with one pot and a colander, and this would require a second pot to brown the butter in while the noodles are boiling. but maybe it would be worth the extra work...
i use paper checks because i have a home-based business, and i have to pay part of the utilities out of the business account, and the rest from my personal account. having paper checks just creates a very distinct paper trail for tax purposes. i suppose i could switch to digital, but meh, this works fine.
i’ve maybe seen 1 or 2 that were legitimate good tips, but most are just like this one... it’s gotten to a point where if it involves food or some sort of “kitchen hack” i just don’t bother watching at all.
the three types of TikTok i can discern are: comedians, music-based posts, and trolling garbage. almost every food-based post i’ve ever seen has been the last one.
seconded, or thirded, as the case may be. i was surprised that there was nowhere to read recaps and talk about this show. we really enjoyed the first season, and we caught up just in time for season 2 to drop, whoohoo.
NASA is saying that the delay in communication is 11 minutes.
i *still*, 40 years on, do not like the thought of going in the ocean, and even lakes well inland kinda freak me out. that scene is just so genius.
i save every recipe as a simple .txt file, even old family ones that i have to type in by hand (i’ll save the originals if they are something special, but at least i won’t risk damaging them by making the recipe going forward now). if someone sends me a recipe from a newspaper or magazine, i google for it, and copy it…
so, it’s bad form to let a person who’s being shit on know they are being shit on, but it’s ok to shit on someone while not having the nerve to let them know to their face? hmm, ok.
came back to report my results: you were not kidding, these are addictive. i let them air-fry for 10 minutes because i was afraid of burning them, but honestly, i bet the full 15 would have been fine. i ended up making an entire block of tofu, and i’m in danger of eating the whole thing for lunch with some beans and…
this sounds amazing, and i have everything on-hand. i will take it as a sign!
ahh, could be. never use it for dip — it’s always made for a salad dressing around our house.
clearly. : )
but but but... Hidden Valley Ranch doesn’t use sour cream. the instructions clearly say mayonnaise. and buttermilk.
there’s sweet, and then there’s TOO sweet. doughnuts are too sweet to be used for grilled cheese. yuck.
honestly, the only reason i knew about Clover back in the 80s was because of Huey Lewis. he mentioned his old band a lot, and i think they are even mentioned in the liner notes of one of the early News albums.
i’m not disagreeing with you per se, but Ian McKellen IS Gandalf.
truth. he really deserved that award.