“I know your face...Eowyn...!” omg, i cry EVERY TIME.
“I know your face...Eowyn...!” omg, i cry EVERY TIME.
i love Mr. Robot. he definitely helps me look less dumb.
and then there were those of us guys who were ALL about the Professor. <_<
honestly, i thought that was the case with Frampton’s album, too, but apparently not. i’ve believed that story for decades!
he didn’t mean to bug ya.
welcome to 2020, right? man, this year, i swear. can’t wait until it’s over.
doh, sorry. so it is. i’ll have less bourbon before commenting next time. i scrolled down right to the recipe and expected a link therein, but no.
oh, i missed that. thank you!
loved it. loved ALL of it. when i realized who had to be aboard that lone x-wing, i gasped. i was on the edge of my seat until the Hamill reveal, and then the tears just started. it was well done, a lyrical counterpoint to Vader in Rogue One (as i’m glad was noted). and i don’t know why people complain about deepfakes…
does he kiss his muddah wit dat dirty mouth? JEESUZ
so.... how do you make this candy cane syrup? melt a candy cane or three in... water (?) until it’s syrupy? add them to regular syrup and sort of infuse it? or is this a purchased thing? perhaps i could just use a candy cane as a drink stirrer. that seems easiest.
the desert is a harsh place to live. look at what the sun did to Robert Redford.
i wonder how many of those baby handcuffs they have sitting around, and WHY?
exactly, thank you. while i like him, this is the truth.
every single take is perfect. god, i miss that show.
oh, could be. still... ugh.
jesus, what ghouls. i suppose it’s a bit of a consolation that they are probably exposing themselves to the virus while they steal from frightened people.
i see Marilyn Manson is subscribing to the Billy Corgan school of post-90s frontman looks.
that’s a pretty cromulent list.