
i am surprised that nobody seems to have mentioned the one that bugs me the most by Van Morrison: “Men with insight / men in granite” from Tupelo Honey. if Van can get by with pronouncing granite like that, then anyone else can get a pass.

well, there are “return the carts to the corral” type people, and there are “return the cart to the corral and push them ALL the way in so others can fit more carts in after you” people.

i’ve had “The Ladybugs’ Picnic” (Sesame St.) in my head for a couple days. on one hand, it’s such a gentle song that it’s comforting in a way but yeah, over and over and over and over... my nuclear option for removing a song stuck in my head is to either listen to the whole song, or else replace it with something from

I adore this show so much. nothing captures what it felt like for me to be in high school during basically the same time period than this show. i loved it when it aired, and i mourned when it was cancelled. i lobbied to have it put on DVD with all the original music, and i cheered and happily bought the set when it

i don’t know.... Blondie was considered disco a the time, so recognizing their punk influences takes a more open mind. as far as the Velvets catalog goes, White Light/White Heat is definitely off the general radar, particularly back in the 70s.

here’s another way, too: i just texted “USPS” to the ResistBot at 50409, and after filling in a quick form it generated a letter and sent it to my local officials (You can see the letter first). Super easy.

i usually put a smaller cast iron pan in the larger one, or i start reaching for cast iron lids.

all i know is, i fully expect Harlan to come back as an adversary at some point. i really enjoyed this season. and can we talk about how great the music continues to be?

i use my various cast-iron pans for this sort of thing. : )

yes, exactly. they are playing pretty loose with things, history wise. Klaus would get beat up for his hair ALONE in 1963.

fuck yeah, that Cars album is wall to wall good, but that opening.... wow.

to be fair, this album IS the one where they dove in headfirst into the deep myths and realities of the american dream, so the religious angle is partly by design.

yeah, i was saying the same thing. that stuff didn’t exist until at LEAST 1967 for the clothes, not even touching the shades.

i needed an idea for lunch. i now have a plan.

i was honestly expecting this article to feature a photo of Kellyanne Conway and her daughter as the header photo.

i was going to say, “smack their tiny hands and say ‘NO!’ forcefully until they cry and get the idea,” but this is a better solution. this is also one of the reasons i do not have (or want) children.

i have used black electrical tape for years with no such issue. it sticks well, is very thin, and always comes off cleanly.

i love simple solutions like this. brilliant!

does it give CMYK equivalents for Pantone PMS, and vice-versa?

it sounds less like Lucky Charms and more like Corn Pops with Lucky Charms marshmallow bits.