Dr. Batman

I live in Maine and have actually been to this diner. I think the important thing to know about Marcy’s is that it really is a hole-in-the-wall. There are maybe 5 tables and one counter that might seat a dozen. It is tiny and cramped and hot (because the griddle is 3 feet from the counter), but the food is delicious

Better idea: Get him to tell you stories and then submit them as your own. Keep all the internet glory to yourself!

(Editor’s Note: Bob must not have been doing the job for very long if he was mortified by that question, because servers and cooks say WAYYYYYYYY more fucked-up shit to each other pretty much every day)

Titman Fertitsa? Phillip Friberjizzer?

Now playing

But it’s still not the OG Portland. Portland, ME was named after the Isle of Portland on the south coast of England. Portland on the south coast of England is famous for a few things: a quarry which gives us Portland stone and Portland cement, a prison, a lighthouse, and a kid’s TV show about the lighthouse.

...except that the turnaround time in most shelters (that is, the time between when animals come in and how long they’re there before they are euthanaized if it’s a kill-shelter) is really high, and the behavior exhibited by a frightened animal in a cage is not necessarily how the animal really *is*. Even the author

I finally picked up an Anova Precision Cooker for a total of $129 (discount+$20 off for using my Amazon rewards visa), which is a pretty decent deal from $180+tax. I can’t imagine I’ll have much opportunity to get it cheaper anytime soon, even if it’s more than I care to spend on a kitchen gadget.

I finally picked up an Anova Precision Cooker for a total of $129 (discount+$20 off for using my Amazon rewards

The thinking is that if you can’t control yourself when you absolutely know you’re going to be asked to pee in a cup, then how are you going to control yourself when you’re actually getting paid *wink* *wink* to play football. Basically it’s the Josh Gordon thing.

It really depends.

I’ve never had an issue with Foodler. They have very limited options in some places (good selection in DC and Boston, bad selection in Portland OR).

Whoever ordered those pies must be a real pizza work.

From a dude who cooks a lot (it’s stress relief): don’t waste your money on Le Creuset if you’re going to buy a cast iron enamel pot. Lodge is great and like a fifth the price.

In story with @ramonashelburne we also report Mavs now fear they won’t now get audience with Jordan as Clips have essentially surrounded him.

No, you want to make sure your food is OVERcooked.

I feel like cookie dough is objectively more delicious than cookies. I don’t even feel like this statement is an opinion. Like, cookies are weird and dumb and frequently gross, crumbly pieces of shit (and even at best, they’re just tolerable), while cookie dough is an extension of the joy of the universe.

Man, suddenly your feelings on cookie dough make perfect sense.

People who are psychotic have delusions or hallucinations. Sometimes they’re in touch with reality and have insight that their hallucinations are not real. Typically people with delusions are more in their own world and don’t understand that what their experience of the world is does not line up with reality.

Psychopathic behavior and Psychosis are different. Psychosis is a detachment from reality. Psychopathy is diagnosed via the Hare test, which measures attributes like empathy, grandiosity, parasitic lifestyle, etc.

“...psychopaths have a delusional belief system”