Dr. Batman

General Motors is still a better GM than Doc Rivers.

Phil Jackson is also a better GM than Doc Rivers. This has the potential to be a very long thread.

Seems like much Adu about nothing.

That all of this was much Adu about nothing?

I don’t know if this is the same problem that you have, but I’ve discovered that stainless really isn’t the right material for your pans when it comes to most forms of meat. I’ve ruined several dishes by destroying the meat after it was stuck/caramelized to the pan.

I don’t know if this is the same problem that you have, but I’ve discovered that stainless really isn’t the right

Both are hacking. A large chunk of hacking is built on guessing passwords.

C’mon, it’s the Cardinals! They do everything the “right way,” even hacking! No glory hogs or showboats here!

Yeah, I can see a sarcastic penny tip, because it just highlights how unjustly she was treated. And Joyce is a warrior who’s all about calling attention to the assholes of the world and how much they suck.

Well, it’s still possible it’s the 0.1%, since no one’s going to write in to say “my customer respected my skills, and didn’t ask for crap that isn’t possible and paid me on time”.

By “people” you mean, like, almost nobody, yes? Because, despite the fact that parents with young children are the War-on-Christmas Christians of the reproductive landscape (read: I am the most supported/respected/validated person in our society, but sometimes people make me feel bad! THE WORLD IS AGAINST ME.),

One look at the restaurant’s website and you can see the response fits the personality of the restaurant. It’s a southern-style barbeque joint (it even has “Rib Shack” in the name) - the “no bullshit” attitude is pretty much a given with such a place, and it is also what draws customers.

It’s called PR. Not responding would have accomplished nothing for the restaurant. By responding as they did, the owner is letting the reading public know that the restaurant considers the comfort and enjoyment of all of their patrons to be a priority, and that obnoxious behavior is not welcome. And by doing so, it’s

They reJoyced when she left! I’ll be here all week Tip your wait staff folks, because Joyce sure as hell didn’t. .

“Hey, who sings this song? Oh? Let’s fucking keep it that way.”

Oh wow I will treasure the comments to your post forever. Or else Poe’s Law strikes again!

Ugh, I HATE public singers! SO. MUCH.

I like singing along to Disney tunes and some TSwift, but I know that subjecting other people to it violates the torture terms set out in the Geneva Convention. So I do it at home while cooking and dancing like a white girl in the kitchen, or with my BFF on road trips. Where it belongs.


Atheism is perfectly fine, and the reality is that 95% of the time I share the same values with them. But of course, there are times when the garbage people who are part of our faith (or, if you want to get pedantic, lack of faith) just really drop the ball and make the rest of us look like dicks.

People who sing in public are the worst. No one wants to hear your out of tune ass serenade people trapped with you on a train or in a restaurant or a store. Unless it’s “Happy Birthday To You” and you are bringing me a desert with a candle in it, shut the fuck up and restrict your tone deaf warbling to the confines