Dr. Batman

So fucking glad I left. It was a garbage heap growing up, but in the last 5 years the garbage heap has apparently caught on fire

From “The Show Me State” to “The Oh Fuck Me (Facepalm) State”

Having been here for 3 and a half years, sounds about right

Drinking and driving is NOT OKAY. It doesn’t fucking matter if the guy overserved or not, once those guys get in a car and start to drive, they are doing something illegal as fuck and need to be stopped IMMEDIATELY before someone DIES.

I love the idea that he wasn’t supposed to call the police on people about to endanger those around them.

It’s the definition of “minimally civilized.”

This is by far the most baffling example of Pinkham’s Law I’ve yet seen. How many people are just gleefully letting the poots fly in the middle of crowded restaurants?!

It’s pretty puritanical to say people aren’t allowed to burp. It’s not puritanical to suggest that maybe they don’t fucking belch in a random stranger’s face.

Yes, and the social contract pretty clear states you don’t just go ahead and loudly let it rip where other people are eating. Like, OK, maybe the one-cheek sneak if it’s not huge and you can reasonably expect it’s not going to smell horrible, but farting audibly near other customers as they’re eating is a dick move.

I mean, sure. But we’re trying to live in a goddamn polite society here.

so does taking a crap, did your family do that in the middle of the restaurant too?

God, this shit happened all the time when one of my ex-girlfriends worked at Borders. Because of the size of the store, they could never know if the parents were still there, but as the kid’s section supervisor it turned her job into a circus of apprehensive hovering when a toddler was just clomp-clomping around

I currently work in one and yeah, it seems even worse these days because in addition to the drop-offs we get people using the computers while leaving their kids to get bored and wander around with nothing to do. (and of course said kids aren't accustomed to being read to or reading themselves, so they can't self

Free range kids is a thing, but unfortunately so is dumping your 4 year old at the bookstore so you can get your nails done and using "free range kids" as an excuse.

I believe I can speak for all of us when I say, “Fuck Church Groups”

Who the hell just lets a fart fly in a restaurant like it’s nothing? I’ll run to the bathroom if I have to.

Probably more oxy.

I can understand why Irsay would be upset. A first half like that must be a tough handful of pills to swallow.

If there’s one thing Irsay can handle, it’s a bunch of downers.

Seems like this comes up at least once a year about this same “game”. the devs don’t expect anyone to buy or want to buy all this dlc. It’s a sim made for hardcore train lovers. Not really a game in the traditional sense. Most people into trains are into specific models of trains and would only buy those types so they