Dr. Batman

This is a joke, right? You know that all arguments are based on assumptions, right? Like haha, I’m pretending I don’t know how arguments work?

Good one! You’re a funny one, you.

I’m not trying to be mean but your comment made no sense to me. It’s honestly a little jarring to see how many people are fine with farting in restaurants. It’s one of those things, like you don’t take your shoes off and rest your feet on the back of a pew during a funeral, that I just assumed we all agreed on.

I was hoping that screenname was Butthole Surfer’s reference....

I really don’t want to know the answer to that question...

No, I understood the comment perfectly well. The idea that someone being opposed to people farting in a restaurant makes them puritanical is ridiculous. Restaurants are for eating. Farts can smell bad enough to ruin a meal. Some people are really sensitive to odors and can’t control it. The fact that she is

I’ve honestly never heard of any of those things or people....

“Hopefully you would be arrested for indecent exposure”


Wow. Your views on what are puritanical are pretty wide open. So, in your mind, if I made a rule that it is rude to pull down my pants and underwear and fart on your food, that would be puritanical?

Is this a serious comment? You don’t understand the difference between farting in a restaurant and dressing in a non-puritanical way?

Is the deal on the gloves just for the small size?

Is the deal on the gloves just for the small size?

PSA expansion: Don’t correct anyone who is doing their job if it’s not your job to correct them. As someone who has worked in the educational field for a very long time: just don’t...

Read the rest of the conversations. People have chimed in that it means all sorts of different things including scotch. The truth is that what is “whiskey” is at best extremely regional and at worst something people are just projecting. There is no such thing as generic whiskey. If you don’t want scotch or bourbon ask

I don’t enjoy it, but I also wouldn’t want someone coming onto a forum and asking “what is so appealing about this?” It’s so condescending.

Cat does, in normal speech, denote domesticated cats. Domesticated cats are the generic cat. There is no generic form of whiskey.

Did you just reply to everyone on this thread with a link to the other article without even reading what they wrote? Bravo.

Complaints about click baiting aren’t about presenting false claims. It’s about presenting true claims in such a vague way that they naturally and purposefully lead to false assumptions and intentionally leaving out vital pieces of information from the title to encourage more clicks...

Complaining about people complaining about clickbait and cursing like a preteen? That’s cliche.

Well, the point is that he knew the word “pork.” So if something was called “Pork Ribs” he might not have needed help...