Dr. Batman

I have never been a server before so I would appreciate some feedback on this. So, the $15 guy is a moron clearly, but I would like to know how people feel about the practice of making a tip so that it comes out to something even for the total bill. My fiancee used to do that when we started dating (I don’t think she

As someone who was good at math (not great, but decent at it) I HATE that being bad at math is a thing people can just laugh off for simple shit like this. I’m not talking about stuff like calculus. That’s fine if you can’t do it. Just like it’s fine if you don’t read Joyce or Faulkner or whatever. But if you come

I was the asshole at blockbuster who would wipe out late fees for nice regulars who didn’t ask but would sit there for an hour listening to someone yelling at me to take them off and refusing (despite that being the opposite of their policy) so I’m probably the wrong person to respond to this, but I think you’re fine.

Ok, assuming you’re not kidding here (because there are serious comments like this every week and you’ve done nothing too over the top to show you’re being sarcastic) a person who keeps Kosher or Halal would know what “pork” means because it would be incredibly important for them to know that. If your diet forbids you

The ones that are labeled as champagne are. You can Google it.

I don’t think you know what the word “universally” means because

Thanks. My only point really is that if someone says “whiskey” or “whisky” verbally it can refer to many things including scotch or bourbon and that if you ask for whiskey/whisky and are handed either of those you can not mock the person who handed it to you.

When your strawmen fall apart you resort to appeals to authority? Can you find a reputable website that claims that bourbon and scotch aren’t types of whiskey? You have 30 years of customer service in alcohol taxonomy? Ok then. Also, for what it’s worth I’m not espousing a personal opinion. It is a fact backed up by

You’re right in that I lump all whiskey into the category of whiskey. To disagree with that is to disagree that either bourbon or scotch is whiskey. Is that your position? To say that they are all whiskeys in no way implies that the are qualitatively identical no more than saying that apples and bananas are fruits

I really don’t appreciate being slandered. I don’t say all whiskeys are the same. If you can find me saying that bourbons are the same as scotch please find it. If not, an apology would be in order. I say that they are of the same type of alcohol. That does not mean they are the same. A shirt and jeans are both

No it doesn’t. Sorry, but you need to do some research on this. Whiskeys can be made with any grains. There is no generic one. If you look up a definition of whiskey you would find that out.

That is 100% incorrect from a biological point of view. Wolfs aren’t dogs. They are different. It’s a misunderstanding of people who think that dogs are just domesticated wolves. And dogs would be more dog like than a wolf. Tennessee whiskey isn’t more whiskey like than a Bourbon.

I’ve always been told that whisky and whiskey are just alternative spellings. (I’ve been told this while living in America and while living in Ireland). There are a lot of things that British people spell differently or “wrong”, like colour. Whisky is just one of those things. I can find no sources on the internet to

Dear lord, but you are smug...But, please, go on about how science proving that taste is subjective (gasp!) and can be greatly affected by outside stimuli (shock!) nullifies centuries of personal experiences.

You don’t need a reason to allow speech, you need a reason to restrict it. If they label where the wine came from on the side clearly for anyone who is interested and if calling it champagne is going to affect the taste more than the grapes or soil or anything in the bottle then I see no harm in it. Definitely not

They don’t label the fake ones wrong to trick wine people. They do out to trick people who don’t buy much wine. So they’re not looking for repeats. Wine experts would know what they want. And if the people like it they’ll remember the name and look for that again. So wine sellers will get more exposure with a good

I don’t think that’s how jokes work...

That’s not what normal means. The first humans didn’t wear pants. When you go outside do you gawk at all the abnormal people wearing pants? The first houses did not have toilets with plumbing. Do you marvel at every person’s house you enter with a toilet? How abnormal of them to have a toilet that flushes.