Dr. Batman

So did Funbag get demoted/promoted to Adequate Man?

Actually, the best way to turn a normal teenager who sometimes smokes weed into a criminal is putting them in jail. Your education gets disrupted, you have troubles finding a job with your record after and you meet lots of real criminals in jail. Jail basically is crime school.

Mr. Manager

Is that Rowan Atkinson? I would buy Mr. Bean.

Jesus H. Christ, who pissed in your cornflakes? Granted, Guardians was not even close to being hard or even medium SciFi, but it was a fun movie. Interstellar was a better pure SciFi film but, looking at the list of nominees, I would honestly be happy with any of them winning. Take a chill pill dude and chillax.

more like yours is showing. doesn’t take much to appraise a situation and then respond rather than escalate it. unless you believe in using a hammer in every situation.

Clear overreaction. Even if the gun was real, he wouldn’t have hit anything.

I’m sorry.

Hmmmm. Who is the troll, though?

Yes. I’m quite aware of the name of OP. Which is why I actually went and examined the last 20-30 posts in their comment history before I responded to you... something you don’t seem to have done, since you’ve dismissed them out of hand (in all likelihood because you didn’t like their critique of this piece.) And you

Star Wars isn't Science Fiction. ;)

I believe I can answer your questions, at least if it were to happen in my state (Washington). If the girls or someone else disclosed abuse to a doctor, that person is a mandatory reporter and would call Child Protective Services and/or 911. That would trigger a police investigation, possible prosecution at the

The other script could have been bad...and this one could be just as bad. Or worse. Who knows.

Also possible that this is true even if the resultant film is the next Catwoman. Believe me when I say it can always be worse.

I admire you for the attempt!

you know that “scoundrel” means a dishonest person, right?

Captain Worf is going to be a sitcom about life on Qo’noS in a multicultural neighborhood with Worf’s interactions with his wacky Human neighbor, his Vulcan best friend and Cardassian friend/love interest.

That is no doubt the dumbest stadium in sports. “Let’s make left field 300 feet and we’ll make center like 500 and put a flag pole in the way and a hill yeah let’s add a hill. Sports really need to be played on hills more often.”

The anti-death serum and the hyper super duper warp drive negating transporter are just cherries on top of an unforgivably horrid sundae.

Remember the First Law of Crisis: Panic about one thing at a time.