Dr. Batman

*moves pizza from “Things In Australia Not Trying To Kill You” list to “Things In Australia Trying To Kill You” list*

i think i can see one instance where i would completely agree with you. if you are adding it to a scene just for the sake of adding it then you shouldn’t do it.. be it rape.. or violence.. murder or torture.

Watch and enjoy this testament to early childhood education.

Revenge will be difficult, as I’m having a hard time trying to figure out something more disgusting to give her to eat than what she already ordered.

I’ll say this: I used to get a lot of very high-ranking Admirals and Generals on lunch shifts when I worked in Crystal City (right near the Pentagon). Every single one I ever served—without fail—was a great customer—super polite, good tippers, didn’t make a fuss. I know YMMV may vary and all, but my personal

FACT: Bears eat beets.

Battlestar Galactica.

This really should have been the Patriots’ punishment.

That only counts for the Irish.

Not a doctor? Next you’ll tell me you’re not a Batman!

“If I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test.”

I hope the guy who owns a boat finally catches a lucky break here.

My first thought when I saw the study was fraudulent was, “Is this the same one from TAL?” Sure enough, Ira Glass tweeted out a notice that this is the study from their story.

When people falsify data to “prove” something that fits their worldview, they’ve completely failed to grasp the basic concept of the scientific method.

Heard an amazing “This American Life” about this. It was truly inspiring! (Sigh).

I have seen homeless people be removed from said McDonalds by security (Mcdonalds in uk city centres have security at night to stop drunk people harassing staff)

Oh, look at you....thinking global warming is a political stance.

No. ESPN employs dozens of conservatives. That isn’t news.

counterpoint - I’m a conservative and have the intellectual wherewithal to understand that anyone who denies climate change is a soulless lackey, has been living under a rock and therefore unfamiliar with the term, and/or a god damn idiot.

Actual proven science is not a political view.