Dr. Batman

you actually had a valid point to make me rethink my wording on my original post but kinja wont let me edit it. so now i have to just keep dismissing ragefit replies.

One of us.

Language use and engaging in proper arguments

And perhaps most apropos: the Borg.

I’d say you’re well on your way to getting de-greyed or banned ;)

I can’t take the name of another desert and reappropriate it

Your comment is approved.

Sadly, his parents could not be reached for comment on his debut.

Also, autocorrect is the fucking worst invention when debating language like this, because it makes both of us look like assholes haha - I think I corrected all of the “gelatis” back from “gelato” because my dictionary doesn’t recognize it as a real word and kept changing it and it was sort of hilarious on a second

How else are you supposed to unhook a bra?

Basically you get followed when a writer randomly happens to notice you and enjoys one of your posts. There’s no system.

Eh, there’s a difference there. I mean, Whopper is a specific trademarked menu item at a competitor. “Large” is a common adjective. I mean, if you’re being a dick and making a show about avoiding their bullshit terminology (my bias is showing, isn’t it?), then, well, yeah. You’re being a dick. (Albeit, a totally

1000 times yes! WORDS MEAN THINGS. Also, chicken nuggets are suspect and hamburgers are delicious. Have a beautiful day, my friend.

All I know is, the day I see a coffee place offer a Gigantor sized coffee, I will stop in, get the Gigantor, and give the barista a high five and a nice tip.

Starbucks has positively sensible naming conventions compared to a beer bar I worked in. Instead of listing the ounces, they named the four sizes pilsner, draught, tall boy, and hofbrau, which were 12, 18, 26, and 38 ounces respectively.The first of these is a type of beer, the middle two are serving styles that do

My brother was working the carving station at a hotel brunch a bit outside of Atlanta when someone proud Georgian went on some rant about other, apparantly “Yankee” customers and how the South is so much better. After asking my brother and being told that he is from Ohio, Georgia Guy declares “that’s ok, Ohio is an

Tip, always tip, or at least be a decent human. I recently ordered pizza and tipped the guy. Go to eat and realize the pizza has issues. They send another pizza with the same delivery driver and go to tip him and he tried to refuse it because it wasn’t my fault. I know I shouldnt have to tip twice but neither should

I’m here to agree with C.A. When you’re at the bottom of the rung, and the general attitude is “This is what we do,” there’s usually very little you can do to stop it, and it sounds like the guy didn’t have any say over the shifts. Kinda reminds me of my high school. All boy’s catholic school that would pair up the

When I was in high school, some local, road-side hotel decided to convert their restaurant to a Chinese buffet. They called the high school to see if there were any “Chinese girls who would like a job.” Damn it. I was the only Chinese girl in the school, and actually, yeah, I wanted another job because college was

That seems fair.