Dr. Batman

*slow clap . gif

Is she allergic to half wheat toast?

Does it really matter if it's a butt or a belly? When it comes to RGIII, no one is really expecting accuracy.

By and large private charter type schools that get state funds (the kind in this article) do not outperform public schools - in many many cases they do worse (for those you kind find statistics for - many states allow charter schools to avoid the same evaluations public schools are subjected to). Comparing public

Letterman has shown himself capable of conducting some serious interviews over the years when the subject matter dictates it. Obviously, this was just not something where anything faintly resembling seriousness was needed.

Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes compassion seems to need a boost from study.

Yes. You only don't tip if they own the salon.

"Back in my day, music didn't even have percussions! Damn kids playing their Selena Bieber music. TURN DOWN THAT DAMN AIR CYMBAL!"

"As a palate cleanser for the last two weeks, please enjoy some stories of terrible customers receiving their just rewards."

Four equilateral triangles! Plus two more and a hexagon! Counts as far as I'm concerned (it didn't say that you would only create the four triangles).

You have the best screen name ever.

Can't say I'm surprised that happened in Pennsyltucky. Obviously someone doing that to you is bullshit — what you eat is your damn choice. I still say the whole discussion and anyone claiming moral superiority over anyone else on the basis of their eating habits is ridiculous.


Harder because they have to stop and do push ups and chest bumps every couple minutes to make sure their still manly and tough.

Meesa thinks yousa forgetting something!


It's course and gets in everywhere

I see what you did there :)

It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.

Not like here

Lawyer here! I can tell you authoritatively that police officers are not supposed to shoot people for "breaking the law". Aside from that, police officers have in the past stopped, detained or arrested people who were not, as it turned out, actually breaking any laws, because sometimes that happens.