Dr. Batman

OK. You inspired me! I wrote in to This American Life to say how I enjoy the variety of voices they have on the show. :)

Myopia...or was your question of why not let someone vent rhetorical? :-)

I'm of the opinion that any form of proselitization is inherently reprehensible, so "when the conversation pertains to religion" is still a big old no-go for me. Any religion that tells you "you must try to convert other people, even non-forcibly" is fucking wrong to me.

This is exactly what I would have done.

Ooo! You should hear last week's This American Life! It's all about shitty internet comments, and the first story is Lindy West (former Jezebel writer) telling about the time a horrible troll apologized to her. I think the above person was just genuinely annoyed, whereas this story was about a pretty bad troll, and

YES about being somewhat understanding that when you travel, you will be in a different place with different customs, and yes, different prices. I grew up in California, and like many Californians of their generation, my grandparents originally hailed from the Midwest. The concept of inflation and differences in

"....a popular Southern California animal/theme park best known for being the only place where the guests sometimes get to watch apex predators never meant to be kept in swimming pools savagely maul the performers during shows. "

It's kind of the same as when PoC criticize white people: if you are a white person hearing that and you don't do the things the criticism is about, then you're not being criticized, so our job is to kick down and not get mad (after first honestly self-examining to figure out whether we actually have been doing the

I worked in doctors office. I collected the paper that held the diagnoses for you after you saw the doctor as well as your co-pay. When I told a guy his copay was 10 dollars, he gave me a "bill" and told me to keep the change and basically bolted out.

You can stop now, Midwestern Christians are not an oppressed group.

This customer is my rambling, over-clarifying soul-sibling!

You read an intelligent reply from ReformedMLDrinker and your counter argument is "Fuck him."
I think you lost this one.

Oh so much kissing. Especially when Joe Namath comes to watch

Seriously, where the fuck are the nachos?

Groupons are not, by nature, a dick move. But most people are not like you: most people who use them tend to be bad customers, bad tippers, and don't tip before the discount. You're not doing anything wrong; unfortunately, you've just been tarred by the people who do.


Cheese and Crackers is the only item in the cheese category that is actually cheese (if it's not what you pictured above."

Cat Tom Brady

So? I'm gonna throw down right now and declaratively state it outright:

I've never understood why people think this is a clever or interesting insight. Who cares if the name of a sport is a misnomer? Why would that affect my enjoyment of it?