Dr. Batman

I think the general spirit of the law is defending the person being complained about. Which I am in this case.

Actually, the bartender didn’t hand her the drinks. He held them up and asked her if that’s what she wanted. Because she was being vague and non-specific. Which is what the bartender should have done.

I don’t know. I knew that bourbons were whiskeys before I knew what neat meant. I think it’s much more basic a concept. Also, if the customer didn’t think that the bartender knew the difference then why wouldn’t she be specific. If I think the person I’m talking to doesn’t have a good knowledge of the subject matter

If they want Irish Whiskey or Rye Whiskey they’ll ask for that too. If they have something specific in mind they should ask for it. If they just say “whiskey” that implies they are cool with any type of it. Including both bourbon and scotch.

Technically you do. However, a whiskey sour is traditionally made with bourbon. Which, under your lingo, would be called a bourbon sour. But it’s not. Because bourbon is a, wait for it... wait for it... WHISKEY!

For some reason I think of “on the rocks” as being in a different category from “neat” or “up”. Maybe it’s because I learned it at a way earlier age...

Oddly enough, it’s been a couple hours and there has only been 1 person defending her and that person seemed to have trouble understanding what happened in the story...

You’re right up to a point but it’s not a point anyone was talking about. Yes, if someone wanted a particular type of whiskey, say bourbon or scotch, they would just ask for it. But, if someone just says “whiskey” they could mean many things including bourbon or scotch. All whiskeys have a type. So it is really

Trying to sound cool while not knowing what the hell you’re talking about makes you sound like an ass.

It’s not just silly or snobby, it’s wrong. It is objectively incorrect. Believing in the flying spaghetti monster is silly. Demanding that your champagne be from the Champagne region of France and not accepting other sparkling whites is snobby. Thinking bourbon and scotch aren’t whiskey is wrong.

Basically that on everyone one of these someone will show up to defend the behavior of the person being criticized (not for every story but for every article). In this case I’m not defending the bartender for not knowing “neat”. I am defending him for thinking that bourbon and scotch are whiskeys because they are

I’m still trying to figure out what exactly he wanted...

The meat thing totally makes sense. And I agree with you completely. The whiskey story is really just one idiot talking to another. I could imagine the bartender sending his story into BCO too.

Fair enough. Everyone has their own tastes. But Jim Beam is definitely a whiskey. There is no way to argue it isn’t and not look dumb.

Ok, yell at me for violating Pinkham’s law all you want, but Bourbon and Scotch are types of whiskeys. What he did would be the equivalent of going into a pet store, asking for a mammal, and ridiculing someone for bringing out a dog or a cat. Sorry, but that guy is a moron.

I’ll take that up. Bourbon is a type of Whiskey. So is Scotch. It would be the equivalent of going into a pet store, asking for a mammal, and ridiculing someone for bringing out a dog or a cat. Sorry, but that guy is a moron.

The not drinking fact was added to explain how the bill came out so low, not as an excuse not to tip.

The email confirms this. The ravens said they didn’t get the right kicking balls which has nothing at all to do with the patriots. It has to do with the officials giving them the wrong balls.

The problem isn’t that she is a math moron. Well, it sort of is. But they guy literally asked her how many slices total she wanted. She didn’t need to use fractions. All she had to do was not be a complete ass and answer 1 or 2. If she had just done that the guy probably would have shrugged it off, told his friends

In fairness to the first gluten free lady, she knows that vegetarians can’t eat something. And, honestly, how many people know the word “meat”? Come on people.