Dr. Batman

Actually, that was exactly my point. He should have these issues. The only way they get around it is by an underdeveloped personality which makes him boring.

It’s not hard to apply human personality to an alien. I did it pretty easily. And his is really dull. I can say the fact that he doesn’t question the use of his power makes him boring. It has nothing to do with being an alien.

It’s not in his personality because his personality is underdeveloped. And a few books isn’t really enough for what should be the overarching theme. In America one of the most persistent debates is the amount of power the government should hold over everyone. Why doesn’t he have those same questions... I mean I get

I think my issue with Superman is that it isn’t enough of a conflict for him. He always (at least form what I’ve seen) is sure of the right thing to do. Someone with that much power should question how far he should impose his will on others. Like, constantly... He should have so many philosophical questions and he

Out of curiosity, how would all of those people help her heal? I’m not super familiar with some of the DC universe people’s powers, especially as they evolved over time, but I’m not sure all of them could permanently cure paralysis (or which ones could do it).

Rocky and Bullwinkle/Borris and Natasha/Peabody and Sherman (all old school varieties) would top that list instantly.

Nah, it’s just being an old state full of religious people. I mean, there are children in grocery stores!

Well, that’s apples and oranges. Beating on someone or pretending to do it isn’t a big deal. It’s only a problem when you do it on video. Duh.

Why do you think Millennials think that is new? Because they don’t enjoy the uncalled for criticisms that accompany it?

I’m a borderline Millennial, I disagree with a lot of the consensus opinions like those about selfies and privacy, but I’m tired of this bullshit. The hard evidence I’ve seen shows Millennials work more for less because Baby Boomers fucked up the economy. Anecdotally, these parents have always existed and I haven’t

This story is great! “My child was so excited to play in the oven, and now you scared her.”

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is actually great. And for my family that wouldn’t even rate on the awkward scale...

I work as a Behaviorist. Frequently there is overlap between us and Cognitive Behavioral Therapists. When you hear a recommended treatment be CBT it’s really hard not to react.

For me the shock would have been from panic about how to answer. Back of the house, “Fuck the goat, assuming that the goat is your mother.” Front of the house panic because no matter what I pick there are good odds that someone at a table next to me is going to be offended and if I don’t answer then I run the risk of

That is a sign I would pull over for a photo op with.

I have no idea. But I do know that none of my coworkers thought anything was wrong with it. I had to go home and google it to make sure I wasn’t crazy. (I also think there is a reference to it in Arrested Development).

Not really on topic, but where you mortified when “corn-holing” became a term for throwing beanbags into holes in wood? At my old job they had corn-holing tournaments and I just didn’t...

One day when I was in college I ran into someone from my old weekend-religious school who was the son of one of the best teachers I ever had. He and a friend of mine both attended UMBC. He made the “yoUr Mom Blows Cows” line and I responded with a “speaking of your mom, how is she?” It was both not my proudest moment

Of course. I can’t use my real name.