Dr. Batman

Consider yourself lucky

NO! But I can tell you that where it is at is the wrong place, because the correct place for that to be at is my mouth-hole.

Ugh, here I was holding out hope that Canada might be my peaceful, snowy, public health care heaven.... Tazo isn’t the worst. It’s not the best, but it’s not Lipton’s.

I live in Baltimore and it happens a lot. Or they just have herbal tea. It’s really common. I’m glad that’s not your experience, but it’s happened to me enough that I’ve stopped ordering tea because I can’t do it without sounding like a douche.

Ok, the way this story is laid out I actually side with your dad. He’s elderly, put the meatballs, which you already make, on top of the spaghetti marinara, which you already make. That’s really not that hard...

Don’t you hate places that just let in anyone. Also, this is one of the many reasons I never made it in customer service. If someone complained about someone else making racist comments towards their children my first response isn’t, “Hey, let’s give the racist free stuff.”

Americans do have good tea. The difference is that if you order tea at many (most in my experience) places in America you don’t get that tea. You get Lipton’s which is horrible. In Britian places that offer tea have good or really good tea. I love tea and ordered it everywhere when I lived in Ireland. I don’t order it

I’ve had better and I’ve had worse...

Why did she get 10 cents for them? Why was she allowed to return them at all?

It’s basically what other people have said, prawns with a ketchup/horseradish sauce mixture. They go really well together. As for the cocktail, it is sometimes served in a cocktail or martini glass. Wikipedia claims that this happened during Prohibition (alcohol was illegal in the United States for a period of time

A better man could have. I know my limits.

Yup, that was part of my job, but I also had to do specials. Frequently, I was supposed to do this while helping people check out. It was weird...

Maybe they just didn’t like me. I was the only “youth” who worked there. But they treated it like a big deal. Cancelled my next shift, had a regional person come down and set up a series of meetings. It was really formal and surreal.

It might have been $7. I don’t remember. I just know it wasn’t more than $10 and it was stupid cheap. They never told me how much they thought I made on this scheme.

I was the worst at erasing late fees. I would erase fees for people who I thought seemed nice but would never ask. I would argue, calmly, with people for a very long time who complained about the late fees. I never erased fees for people who bitched about it. My manager would come over and do it, but I held my ground.

That policy was developed after doing customer surveys across many Blockbusters all over America (or so they said). I really wanted to know if they accounted for the fact that the people who agreed to do the surveys were also inherently more social and not necessarily the best representation of the customer base.

It wasn’t the worst and I kind of feel that most jobs available to people at that age are working for toolboxes. And to be fair I wasn’t the best employee because of the specials policy. They asked me to greet people and tell people the special deals, which I didn’t like to do (in general I don’t like doing work that

I love shrimp and cocktail sauce. I just find shrimp cocktails to be disappointing. They max out at what, 8 shrimp? And it’s usually so expensive for so few shrimp and cocktail sauce. I would rather just steam myself a ton of shrimp...

Yeah. Honestly, I get how he could be disappointed and confused if it is something they used to serve but don’t anymore. But at a certain point you should realize your choices are to leave or order something else...

I was about 18 or 19 and working at Blockbuster in the summer of 2003. By that time they had basically gone to 90+% DVD rentals as opposed to VHS so were selling off their VHS stuff for cheap. The deal was 3 for $9 or something like that. It was a Friday night (busy) and it was just me and the manager who was a 40+