Dr. Batman

Oh, it’s great. But the question is if a place tells you that don’t have shrimp or cocktail sauce and then you berate them into giving you shrimp and cocktail sauce, what are the odds that you want to eat that shrimp and cocktail sauce? Also, how many times can I use the phrase “shrimp and cocktail sauce” in a

Sadly is definitely not the right adverb. I would go with miraculously. (I’ve never eaten there, and I could be wrong, but the commercials for it make it look so unappetizing. Which is hard, even horrible food can look good in commercials...)

Well, once you read it you will learn you can go into any restaurant and get one! You may have to make your own cocktail sauce though...

I once got fired from a job at a bookstore. It was a second job that I would come to after a day of working with elementary school students (little) who had special needs. I am 6’0 so was constantly bending down to talk to them/transport them. Anyway, while shelving a large amount of books on the bottom two rows I

But Jellyfish are brainless animals that just float around..... Nevermind, you’re absolutely right.

It’s not really the same thing. FIFA is saying they don’t care about the rankings and they’re just going to do what gets the best ratings. The NFL is saying that the rankings are determined by 1) Did you win the division then 2) Record. You can argue the merits of that but for the post season they do have an objective

Not to be that guy, but she didn’t. She mentioned that Gibson made many entries of note including the rest of the trilogy. I think it would have been strange for this type of list to give each book its own place...

This is one of my favorites, but I tend to like his weirder stuff... It’s also older and it’s significantly shorter than his newer stuff. I tend not to recommend books to people. I just share what I like. I think reading is a really personal taste sort of thing and hate the feeling of obligation that comes with

It doesn’t belong on this list as I don’t think of it as cyberpunk cannon, but it is one of my favorite books:

Clarence Thomas was nominated by George HW Bush. What did Nixon have to do with it?

Let’s be really honest: If Twitter came down on all the idiots on Twitter, there would be nobody on Twitter.

1. The line of reasoning I am opposing is: All people (or at least all people who have seen Jurassic Park) know that all dinosaurs are female therefore it is an intentional act to call them male and not just a natural habit of language or an unintentional mistake. Therefore, my anecdotal evidence is relevant. I am not

Ok, that’s fine, but it’s also a perfect example of anecdotal evidence. Anecdotal evidence is fine when disproving a universal like “Everyone knows the dinosaurs were all female” but not so great at proving that universal.

No, I’m not. I don’t do the in depth research a copy writer would do about each of their products. And you’re right I never really considered it before, but now that I think about it if someone asked me to explain Jurassic Park in one sentence I would probably say, “They’re all girls.” It really is the most basic of

It’s not obscure in certain circles. It’s not in the “I’ll be back” “Here’s looking at you kid” level of quotes. It’s very popular with some people, but believe it or not there are people out there who aren’t interested in the things you are interested in such as memes. I was in late elementary school when this came

Maybe, or maybe it’s just a common descriptive word applied to raptors. I don’t remember that line, but if you asked me for adjectives describing the raptors from Jurassic Park clever would probably be in the top five... You’re free to believe whatever conspiracy theories you want (personally, I’m more of a fan of the

This might hit at your pride too much to do, but make it seem like it was a problem for you too. Instead of saying his parking is bad, say something like, “i know I don’t have a car right now, but when I did I sometimes had trouble parking. Would you mind if we went out sometime and practiced?” Instead of pointing out

Like I said below, I didn’t remember it. Jurassic Park was made 22 years ago. I have a vague memory of the movie, which is “dinosaur park cloned from bug, dinosaurs escape areas and eat people. Also, Jeff Goldblum, Samuel L Jackson, water cup, Newman, port-o-pot.” That’s about it. It may be the most quoted line, but I

I don’t know, I would describe the film as “Park full of dinosaurs, dinosaurs get loose and eat people.” Other than that I don’t remember much from it and it seems much more likely they handed this to some guy rather than a big fan to write it. I mean, reading it, it sounds like someone just briefly described the role

Is it? I’m not a huge Jurassic Park person but I didn’t remember it. How often is it mentioned? Is it really important to moving the plot along or is it just a fact they through in to explain why there were no babies. I think it’s a reach to say its a pretty significant part of Jurassic Park.