Dr. Batman

You forgot bread. Fresh baked bread is amazing. There is a bakery in Baltimore harbor area and it makes that area smell amazing. And if you've smelled our harbor you know that's an accomplishment.

Or, maybe the answers are just “no”

Is the 90% of the country based on area or population?

I still would like my sequel to Pterodactyl.

Is a white person putting on make up to play another white person who has a tan really blackface? Is it blackface to get a spray tan? What about if you’re out in the sun and pick up a real tan, is that blackface? I’m sorry, but I just can’t see how, unless you concede that Dolezal is black, you could consider putting

Is this whitewashing though? I mean, if Rachel Dolezal is white, and the actor playing her is white... I just don’t see it. Furthermore, is a white person putting on make up to play another white person who has a tan really blackface? Is it blackface to get a spray tan? What about if you’re out in the sun and pick up

I like crows, maybe not as much as some of the other corvidae, but still cool. I looked up what you call swans, who are basically narcissistic assholes, and your choices are herd or whiteness...

I don’t work in the food industry, but judging from the original post there isn’t a big problem, just a way that something can go wrong. In this situation the restaurant is the authority and attempting to cirsumvent that authority. If they didn’t have a table, they didn’t have a table. Now, if they booked that table

I don’t know if that’s a problem with “The Best of Both Worlds” as much as it is with the rest of the series. I loved TNG as a kid, but now I feel like the lack of serialization handicapped it too much...

If it matters to you at all that type of attitude is why I tend to avoid Jezebel. Sometimes, like this time, I click a link on the side without really looking at who is hosting it. And Kitchenette is its own little world. But I find in Jezebel any dissent, any opinion that isn’t the exact same as yours, is frequently

Out of curiosity, why do you think this is a troll and not an honest opinion that differs from yours? I don’t agree with this person, but I just don’t see how this rises to the level of trolling. Or has trolling been watered down to include any criticism that someone disagrees with?

He has pretty consistently been noted as the most overpaid person in Hollywood. In 2014 his movies made $3.20 for every $1 spent on him. Overall, he is a loss for most movies.:

He has pretty consistently been noted as the most overpaid person in Hollywood. In 2014 his movies made $3.20 for every $1 spent on him. Overall, he is a loss for most movies.:

You are absolutely changing facts and ignoring the question. Guilt is not part of this, at all. This is not a legal question nor a question of who is to blame. But I think that gets to the point of your arguments. You look for people to blame. Without it you aren’t satisfied. The problem is that you are using the

I guess we are interested in legal things. I am interested in the philosophical definition of causation and the truth of what caused what. I am also interested in the practical side of changing things for the better. I am not interested in the narrow and usually incorrect legal side of things.

You can go ahead and blame Dave for this if you want, but that’s not only pointing out minor holes in the exercise that are super easy to patch to avoid actually thinking of an answer, it’s also victim blaming. Ok, so instead of draining the canteen and leaving it empty the water is replaced with a special liquid that

I should have been more clear, Stuart empties the canteen he does not drink it. And Dave was clearly murdered. He has checked everything three times before he left. But then he had to go to the bathroom and that’s when John acted.

My assumption based on the headline was that it was some sort of electromagnetic/radiation/side effect of just putting those things up to your face. My assumption, based on the headline, had nothing to do with behavior towards a phone that was intrinsic to smart phones. If he used a headline like “Bending to look at

I think you need to better define your terms. A catalyst can be a cause. In my mind, if A proceeded B and B would not have happened without A, then why can’t A be said to have, at least partially, caused B? Not having a smartphone would have prevented the problem just as well as using it correctly.

As for your