Dr. Batman

The US does claim to hold freedom of speech in high regard, but that just means that the government does not censor speech. It absolutely doesn’t mean that we celebrate everything that everyone says. The people who complained that, for example, TLC suspending Duck Dynasty cast members violated freedom of speech got it

That’s not what I said. We can still have a responsibility towards non sentient life. Also, if we can't tell that it's sentient how would we know what it's ethics were like?

I’m not trying to make fun or criticize you for a typo. I honestly would pay good money to see/read Time Burton. Tim Burton as a time traveler would be a lot of fun.

If they’re not sentient then it would be our definition of ethics.

That’s fair enough. I understand that point. For me, it’s about quality first and probably weather second. I definitely prefer other wheat beers to wit. But on a hot humid summer day I’ll take them over my favorite porters and stouts.

So if you got food poisoning you would blame yourself for eating food that you had no reason to believe would cause food poisoning? I’m not going to dive into the female dress code example because I didn’t read it. My main point is, the article isn’t about how a smartphone caused the problem (ie going on and on about

I’m not saying that people have no responsibility for their actions. I was just pointing out the ridiculousness of his statement and saying that painting in giant broad strokes isn’t so easy.

Not for telling the truth, for being an ass about semantics. And for being wrong on top of it.

I think it’s just regional in both places. When I was in Europe, granted this was over a decade ago, the beer wasn’t that great. Now, there is a real Belgian beer hall down the street from where I live now, which is really nice, but I can also get really great beers from microbreweries. I feel like in the food

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Your both wrong. There are high and low quality beers of all types. I would take a high quality lager (something I normally don’t like) over a shitty IPA/Wit/Stout/other beer I typically do any day. Also, I’m wrong because I typed the wrong “you’re” and am too lazy to correct it and instead am still typing because

Yeah, the Ravens are known for their horrendous drafts. That’s why they have such a hard time fielding a good team each year and end up spending huge money on other teams free agents while none of theirs sign anywhere as evidenced by their lack of compensatory draft picks...

Total bust, no? But he definitely didn’t deserve his draft position. He was an up and down right tackle, but a horrible left tackle. If he were a third or fourth round pick it might have been an ok one, but as a first rounder the bust label might apply...

What’s really sad is that there are so many uses for these dogs. They would be great in nursing homes, or with special needs people. People who need companionship, someone to love, and someone that they feel they take care of, but who maybe can’t handle the daily responsibilities of daily maintenance a real dog might

Gizmodo: Only tackling the world’s biggest problems since 2002.

The data base wasn’t just information on the Astros players, it had information on opposing players too (for which they tracked the league) and on trades. So the Cardinals would have gotten information on their opponents. And they would have gotten information on proposed trades, which would have given them more

Algorithms and data are frequently changed and updated. The argument that this was to gain an unfair advantage is really not invalidated by the leak. Things get leaked all the time for all sorts of reasons. Why couldn’t someone be disgruntled with the Cardinals and leaked to damage them? Or just wanted attention?

You’re pretty good at putting words in people’s mouths and knocking over strawmen. I didn’t say that they were guilty or should be punished right now, I just said that there was a lot of evidence against them. Presumption of innocence doesn’t mean that we pretend that evidence doesn’t exist.

Did you read the article or just read until you perceived a weak argument and came down to counter it? If you read it you would know that they know where the hack happened, that it is a house used by Cardinals staff, and that because it is shared they are still trying to figure out exactly which staff did what. You

I don’t understand. Is it your opinion that because he used to work for them but doesn’t currently that they should have access to work that he does for other teams? Or do you think he stopped evaluating players as soon as he left the Cardinals and is just rehashing the same information despite new players coming up