Dr. Batman

It’s a subtlety thing, but I’d treat AYCE like a discount or coupon when you can. It’s great that you got it, but you should tip on the (in this case approximate) total without the discount... Now, it’s harder to do on those and it may require some guess work, but it’s still the polite thing to do.

Has anyone out there just refused to go to restaurants with someone? Like sat them down and said something along the lines of, “When we go to restaurants I feel very uncomfortable. I think we have different ideas about tipping and how to treat waitstaff and these ideas are things that I do not feel comfortable

In fairness, I think he didn’t want to equate them to Calzones, in a similar way that one might not want to equate Pizza Huts bready substance covered with tomato sauce and cheese to a pizza.

I can see the confusion, but it’s actually a typo. What he said was, “I’m a Really Good Customer.” Really Good Customers are a religious group who worship themselves because they are the center of the universe (their devil is Copernicus) and he was just telling them so that they could be significantly awed by his

Hey, first of all, I disagree with at least one of the posters below. You asked a question and seemed pretty nice about it. So, thank you for being civil. And, on the scale of things, leaving behind some trash at those events isn’t the worst, but it is still polite to clean it up. Think about it this way, these are

Actually, that doesn’t apply. If you are arguing against someone who says For all X then Y you only have to find one example. So, if I said “Nobody ever gets hit in the head with part of a bat while attending a Boston Red Sox game” you could give me an isolated incident and disprove my case.

I actually think forcing women to wear high heals when they have a doctor’s note saying they shouldn’t may be worse then only hiring based on attractiveness but put that aside. Is your point that we can’t be upset about A because there is a B out there that is worse than A?

Also, I think there is a major difference between self censorship of expression and limiting what you and others learn. Self censorship is something everyone engages in, unless they have a railroad spike through their head. Saying you shouldn't have to read something your professor thinks is important is hubris and

Thank you for typing all of that out for me. If possible I would have given you way more stars.

I don’t care for Bitcoins. But I will take 350,000,000,000,000,000,000 Zimbabwe dollars.

Your transgender eastern European sex doll is on the way. $10,000 please.

Oh, you would have done that anyways...

Comedians being good at drama isn’t anything new. Lots of comedians are good at drama. Some are so good that you wouldn’t think they are comedians (Richard Belzer for one). The much rarer feat is the Leslie Neilson dramatic actor who is good at comedy.

Unpopular opinion time! I get that Jessica Jones is a rare female lead, and because of that it would be great for her to be accessible to young girls. But, in general, I don’t think there is a problem with having a section of this universe for adults only.

The XX-minute segment? Did you forget to take out a placeholder?

Is mincing garlic really that hard? I use garlic a lot and have never really had a problem with a knife...

Is mincing garlic really that hard? I use garlic a lot and have never really had a problem with a knife...

I’m not a good snob, and have a really bad palette, but it tastes off to me. Fresh is really easy and tastes better...

I’m not a good snob, and have a really bad palette, but it tastes off to me. Fresh is really easy and tastes

I’m off the opinion that in general you should give foul and home run balls to kids. By the time you’re an adult you should be less materialistic, but kids are naturally that way. However, that mother was horrible and I'd not give it to a kid who acted entitled or like they deserved it. That's just promoting their

Is there a reason why you’re still reading Deadspin then? I don’t mean that in a “like it or leave it way.” I definitely think you should be welcomed here and I am not at all opposed to hearing differing points of view. But I know if I think a place has politically biased and polluted reporting I just wouldn’t go