Dr. Batman

I’ve never heard of hand dipped shakes before and I had to look it up because the name doesn’t make sense. I imagined people pouring the shakes into their hands and dipping them into something. Around these here parts I think they are called “old-fashioned shakes”, you know, because they use the classic ingredients...

Not really. No. I think that they tend to make fun of people in power, because it’s more fun/better to make fun of people in power than it is to make fun of the weak (Sepp Blatter and Roger Goodell are the two biggest targets I can think of, and both of them are targeted because they are powerful asshats). I think

I’m sorry. I’m really confused. Are you upset that deadspin didn’t make fun of a fictional group of black people who made a treehouse in Oregon?

It was really confusing. I couldn’t tell the point of it. It wasn’t a good argument. It wasn’t funny. It was just dumb.

Yes, you can’t get back at the kids. But in that situation the parents are asking for it. Kids need to be taught things. It’s the parent’s failure for not capitalizing on teachable moments.

I don’t drink milk often. But that article is so bad, like so unbelievably bad, that I want to replace all liquids in my diet with milk out of spite for that writer. If they fired everyone at Jezebel, and contacted the employers of their families and had their family members fired too all because of that article I

Oh, I rarely complain about non-trivial things, let alone trivial ones. I’m just saying it was my experience that I was able to help more assholes (which is what my manager wanted me to do) than nice people (who I might have gotten in trouble for helping).

I can honestly say that in this case the best way to have her learn is to help her get away with it. Our corrections system is not built around rehabilitation, it’s built around punishment. And people really don’t learn from punishment. Putting her in jail, derailing her life, would have increased the odds or more

As much as I like to believe this, I think the odds are better at getting free stuff when you complain than when you’re nice. I have never worked in food service but I used to work at a video rental store whose name was identical to “Blockbuster”. I worked there during the late fee era. It was unofficial policy that

Yeah, I think most people can get on board that you can (but don’t have to) complain if they leave something out. But, from all the facts presented, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that the fries were there and that he is making this stuff up.

I’ve got it! One of the answers is not six, but the other one is a nickel! Oh, wait. Nevermind.

Edge of Tomorrow wasn’t necessarily science fiction though. You could just as easily make a fantasy movie that worked pretty much the same way. In fact, it might have worked better* as a fantasy movie. And under your definition there are very few cases of science fiction. Star Trek would definitely not be science

What does that mean? What is the difference between an action movie with science fiction trappings and other science fiction. Edge of Tomorrow is an action movie. What makes that science fiction and the others science fiction trappings?

What do you mean by wears sci/fi clothes? Isn’t that all science fiction is? Some genres are plot driven like action,drama,comedy. Science Fiction isn’t about plot, it’s about setting. You can have science fiction action, science fiction drama, science fiction comedy. But you can’t just have science fiction...

I haven’t read those books (they are on my list, grad school created quite a backlog), but I can tell you I have thoroughly enjoyed a TV show where the characters didn’t have names and were just referred to by numbers...

Yeah, I can understand that. I don't feel the same way but I can understand that. But it doesn't mean that calling the cops was the right thing or that he was doing anything illegal.

Where is the line. If a student were to hold up a picture of Wilfred Brimley riding a dragon and claim that’s a gun would they still get suspended? Zero tolerance policies are bad, but really bad when applied to people who don’t have fully developed reasoning and decision making skills (such as children). I guess it

Were you responding to me? This is the first sentence of the post you responded to “I don’t think threats are credible when they are made with a poptart, and that detail in no way justifies the suspension any more than detailing what the color of his shirt it.” I am in no way defending the school that made that

In general, you don’t suspend children for being a distraction. The explanation doesn’t seem plausible. I think it’s much more likely that the suspension was based a zero tolerance weapons policy then because he caused a couple minutes of disruption during what was likely a snack or lunch period...

I don’t think threats are credible when they are made with a poptart, and that detail in no way justifies the suspension any more than detailing what the color of his shirt it. And, as a former teacher of elementary school aged children I don’t think there is a major difference between those two things. Yes, this