Dr. Batman

I don't think he was hanging around that long. Our sounds like he showed up right around dismissal and they called the cops...

They suspended him for making the gun and then pointing it at someone and saying bang bang. So yeah, it was about a pastry gun. And his agenda, as far as I can tell, is to have schools not overreact to every little thing. It seend reasonable enough. The pop tart happened 1 county away from where parents are repeatedly

They can, but they’d be prohibited from using the injured hand for the rest of the game.

I don’t equate drama with philosophy. I think that Wrath of Khan is about relationships.

Don’t you think Pelicans fans have been fucked with enough?

I totally would take Star Trek VI over First Contact. Also, I think there is a difference between an action movie (the matrix) and a drama with action in it (Wrath of Khan). And I think what he is saying is that the success of those movies basically put blinders on producers towards other types of movies. Science

I understand that position. I work in a field where I am attacked fairly frequently and have to deal with huge melt-downs. It’s very much a laugh or cry field and I’ve learned to find the silliness in some serious situations and laugh. I’ve just chosen not to be offended by it and laugh at the ridiculousness. I do

I’m not really taking a side in this. I do think most science fiction is action, but I don’t think that’s because of the Matrix. I do think some science fiction that didn’t used to be action has turned into action in a bad way (Star Trek) but I think there are examples of science fiction that aren’t action movies..

Jar Jar was so bad he was funny, if you can bring yourself to have a sense of humor about him. I love unintentionally bad movies. And Jar Jar, along with the Jewish slave owner, made for some good laughs (at them, not with them). The second one was just boring...

I don’t think the point is action = bad. I think the point was that there are other good science fiction story types that aren’t getting made because the Matrix was so successful that in people’s head sci fi = action.

The text of the rule quoted below seems to indicate otherwise... Is there another clause?

Are you complimenting the script for episode 2? Stars Wars Episode 2: SAANNNDDD?

It’s not that insane. Lots of kids love the new Star Wars and are ambivalent to or dislike the first three movies... I don’t know what it is, but they do love them... (In fairness, I loved horrible things when I was a kid. Have you recently watched an episode of TMNT?)

Just this one? Because episode 2 was at least as bad. I actually think it was way worse. I mean, all that sand...

DownWithPairs give a good answer. I would recommend going with Child Protective Services or whatever the agency is called in your state (in Maryland it’s Department of Social Services). A social worker will manage the case from there...

Hi, I just wanted to say that your response was perfect. You explained why you did wrote it that way in an educational way and supplied a link to support yourself which I appreciated. It can be hard to reply to snarky comments like that in a polite and helpful way...

It may be inelegant. Being respectful sometimes means being inelegant. Using person first language (saying “person with autism” instead of “autistic person”) is way clunkier. But it is the respectful thing to do...

Ok, I’m going to be the douche who defends the school but hear me out. First, people who work in education are a different set then general restaurant customers. Everyone goes to restaurants, including jerks. But most people involved in education do it because they love kids (in a not creepy way (sometimes in a creepy

I too have worked in the field. I think it’s a little complicated. As is pointed out above you can make more than the minimum and have trouble paying. The school I worked in was a Special Ed school so there were like 100 kids and 15 social workers but even with that ratio of people looking out for families some needy

In Soviet Russia bun with a slice of cheese eats you... (for lunch?)