Dr. Batman

Yet the “list of things not trying to kill you in Australia” list is clearly on the trying to kill you list.

Again, I never said rape isn’t fine to show. I don’t have super strong feelings one way or another on this issue. And I don’t think you can’t or shouldn’t show rape on TV. I just think using history as a defense isn’t a good argument.

I honestly don’t think you’re reading what I’m saying. I never say that rape shouldn’t be a part of the story. I say that I’m not a huge fan of it. Not that it shouldn’t be there. You are not reading my points, making your own strawmen, and then having a really hard time knocking them down.

This book too! This book is amazing to read out loud. The voices and pace all come naturally. It’s just so great to read out loud.

This book. I’ve worked in elementary and early childhood education for years. This book is so much fun to read out-loud. It just flows.

See most of those are valid points. You don’t need the false idea that this is a historical novel. It isn’t. It is a work of fiction. Was there a giant wall that helped keep out zombies in the war of the roses? Was it inspired by the war of the roses? No? Then why is it in the book? Because it is a fiction. It is not

I’m actually not criticizing the rapes, I’m not a huge fan of them but that’s not the point. The point is that even if our history isn’t a sanitized disney movie, that doesn’t mean that other universes don’t have a history that is a sanitized disney movie. Inspired by means that he took events that happened in our

Yes, I understand it was inspired by those events. But the people defending the rapes are basically saying “it’s historical, that’s how it happened so he included it.” And if it were a straight up history that would absolutely be a valid defense. But because it is only inspired by those events and he is picking and

It’s not a retelling of the war of the roses. It's not even an alternate timeline where he thought what if there was dragons and magic during that time period. He just used some pieces of history and picked and choose which parts he wanted to include.

I think the point wasn’t that rape isn’t historically accurate. I think the point is that when a text includes dragons and magic it is hard to use historically accurate as a defense.

Did you know that wine contains the same chemicals as Koala PEE???? PAY ME MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!

In some places, maybe all places, if places aren’t designated as tipping places that means that the owners can take the tips. There was a story about this awhile back. And I found it. Hurrah for me! This is not say don’t tip. It’s just saying that it may be the case that the tips aren’t going to the people you think

I’m not sure I understand your comment. The original commenter said that we should leave the poison in and let natural selection take it’s toll. I pointed out that there are many people with special needs or mental illnesses who are drawn to hand sanitizer and would end up being poisoned. It was clear to at least the

Reading retention isn’t a problem for me at all. Is satire detection a problem for you?

Forget Hot wings and brie. Try dipping your hot wings in manchego. Go big or go somewhere else.

Try them together on a burger!

People eat tomato and cream cheese together all the time. In my experience it’s usually on a bagel. So just eating the two together might be a little weird, but the pairing is a popular one.

How would this apply to Florida, which has no income tax (I think?)?

I don’t know why, but this...

Yeah, pretty much.