Dr. Batman

But then you wouldn’t know which course you would decide to take, in which case you are not all knowing.

Ben Roethlisberger got his suspension cut in half. If Brady takes classes on inflating balls and keeps in touch with the league showing them he knows when balls are inflated could he get his suspension reduced too?

I think they do care. They just don’t care that much and not nearly as much as the owners and commissioner do, so they didn’t focus on it. Doing so would have cost them money. But, regardless, the NFLPA is incompetent.

Part of the training in becoming a behaviorist or a special educator is learning these ways of labeling and practicing them. This specific example is tricky enough that I think I might use it when training behavior staff. The debt is what makes it tricky. Because it happens before the behavior the labels punishment or

I agree those definitions are different. I’m saying they are so different that they are incompatible. So, you’ve shown me how you could be all powerful but not all knowing or all knowing but not all powerful. I claimed you couldn’t be both because if you know everything then you can’t change anything from how it is

If you knew everything that was going to happen then you wouldn’t have the power to change anything or deviate from the what you knew. How is that pedantic?

But, if there aren’t people to buy the goods then it’s not mutually beneficial to all. And as more and more jobs become automated we should re-exam our economic structure. Maybe something similar to the Star Trek economy where basic cost of living expenses are provided for by the government with work being something

You can’t be all knowing and all powerful. It creates a paradox. If you know everything that is going to happen you only have the power to do the things that you know you are going to do...

Billy-quizboy, I am not a smoking expert (or, in spite of the name, doctor) but I do have a strong professional background in behavior. In general, positive reinforcement works the best, so think of some things the kids can do that would reward the parents for not smoking. Maybe they can do more chores, spend more

Also, in general, positive reinforcement is the most effective system. Reinforcement has been proven to work better than punishment. If you are going to use punishment, studies show that it works best when paired with a reinforcement system. This is one of those neat times where what is ethical because it is humane is

I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and I have a small technical point about one thing in your article. Sorry if this is too long, my point is in the last paragraph if you wish to skip to it. You reference the $150 deposit and forfeiture as negative reinforcement. A reinforcer is anything that occurs after a

I think someone who already likes science would see it that way. But someone who doesn’t like science would, through a lense of confirmation bias, would see it as proof that scientists make things up and a reason to disregard all science that they don’t agree with.

Thank you! Now, I can understand why they did it, it’s hard to publish and get acclaim if your study doesn’t turn up anything special or against common knowledge. But it’s still wrong. And as someone in the sciences it (unfortunately) makes us all look bad...

Technically correct... It’s a Futurama reference.

“Whoa, the policy response to global warming/climate change is NOT political? There is One True Fact in how we should deal with it?”

While the McDonald’s can’t prove it happened, I feel like this McDonald’s is just asking for an influx of people buying food from them for people who are homeless... Now that I think about it, this could be a brilliant marketing strategy...

The three words don’t make sense, two of them mean large and 1 means 20 which is the only one which isn’t large. If they asked you if you wave a large If I go to Starbucks one or twice a Year I’m probably not going to remember which large is small and which large is medium.I have messed up my order once trying to use

Ugh, I hate that. It happened to me a few days ago when someone pointed me to some information I wasn’t aware of, I acknowledged it and thanked them, and then had 20,000 other people share the same information in a really condescending way... But thank you for being open to feed back! You have helped make the internet

Sorry I missed your humor. I have known people who have had that opinion in earnestness, which is why I didn’t pick up on the sarcasm. There are efforts to keep it out of their hands in a special education setting, but lots of bathrooms and doctors offices and even grocery stores just have dispensers out. The world

What about people with special needs or a mental condition that draws them to eat food that they shouldn’t? I work in special education and have known a few students who, if left on their own, would consume lots of hand sanitizer.