Dr. Batman

As a Wesleyan Alum, I can assure you it is 100% real. And that it's been around for a long to. I matriculated over 10 years ago and it was that long back then...

Right, but he just tried to explain orally. Did he use diagrams? Did you he use telepathy to implant the knowledge directly into the customer's brain? Did he even TRY and invent a time machine and go back in time to a period where the customer was able to learn more and explain it to her then??? Talk about bad service.

In fairness to Rick's costumer, Benito Mussolini was notorious for his creativity in ringing up orders in a way that charged people less money.

That is an interesting article. It's a good perspective, but I think it's hard for people to get their head around what it's like to not be able to see. It's really hard to imagine what total loss of vision might be like as I've never seen nothing.

Actually, even if you're missing two eyeballs you can still see! I know, it sounds weird, but it's true. This is one of the coolest things I've ever heard. It's worth a listen.

Im sorry, but Jams Buchanan was the BEST president in history. James Buchanan on the other hand....

I think you are being very generous calling what they do in weeks 1-9 and 11-17 "football".

From what I know about scientists, this study fits right in.

I eat both quickly and messily. So sucks to you assmar! (I do eat slowly for really good food, but when it's just whatever shit I happen to make, it's Dr. Batman's Face Blackhole.

In general, I never tip poorly and don't think it is ever defensible. That is until I read your story and thought about it. I think the rule of thumb is that unless you can make a reasonable case that your service was so bad that they should be fired you should tip? I don't know. I do agree that you were right not to

That attitude is obnoxious and ineffective if you are trying to change the way someone thinks. The internet is a big area. I think you should really consider whether or not this is the place for you.

He may not be to blame for his lack of "common sense."

I don't understand this comment, but I like it.

I do think he understands your position. I think this blog may have a different purpose than you do. I view this blog as a place where people can share stories, vent, and commiserate without judgement or criticism towards them. Sometimes it's a place where people share in schadenfreude. People who share in that

I don't think it's as consequentialistic as that. I think some people are just jerks to people that they can't relate to. They have empathy issues. Some people do think it out and are jerks based on power. Other people, through a deontological principal or empathy (the effects are the same really) are just nice to

Although, this isn't as hard and fast as I once thought. I know someone who owns a salon and things aren't going super well and he doesn't have a great attitude about people who don't tip. I know he treats people who do tip better.

I'd say don't make a big deal about it... If you're generally a good tipper then it won't really come up again. If they perseverate on it, then talk it out, but I'd just let that one be a difference of opinion and float by...

Yeah, there are obnoxious and Star Wars fans. I feel like you can say that about anything. The majority of fans that I know were disappointed by the new films but have let it go. I am a Star Trek fan, and I could go on for awhile about how bad the new movies are and about how they aren't really Star Trek, but I go on

Really? What's so horrible about them? I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but I wonder why all the anger or dislike towards them...

It's a reference to Anakin, in the prequels, going on long rants about how much he hates sand. The rants go on for awhile...