Dr. Batman

Jar Jar Binks: Never Forget

I had never heard of this. And, honestly, I'm not sure if I'm more disturbed by the fact that it exists or the fact that it needs a (relatively) long article to refute...

Plus sand took my father's job at the factory!

And the worst thing about the prequels: All that sand!

Im all for the labor laws thing, but I think there is an easier way... Just write some yelp reviews from the point of view of a concerned customer who was there and didn't see anyone ever drink water... I feel like you'd have a pretty easy way to manipulate the system. "WHEN I GO TO A RESTAURANT I DEMAND TO SEE THE

To me it's more simple than that. It doesn't matter to me if the service was horrible and it was the server's fault. Who am I to take away their livelihood. Everyone has bad days. But in most jobs (maybe all other jobs) you're ability to feed and provide for yourself isn't dependent on your actions right in that


First of all, I take a little umbrance at the notion of the Irish as a historically oppressed minority. Don't give me a history lecture. I know it. I know it very well. I've studied Irish history both in an American university and in an Irish one. There were horrible things committed against the Irish. But they don't

No, no. I know how to spell Aphrodite. But could you spell "mighty" again fo me. I forget if it has I "f" or two...

I haven't dealt with those specifically. I have had the general Christian handouts though. My fantasy, which I wouldn't act on because it costs money and I'm not really that much of an ass, involves carrying around tiny copies of The Origin of The Species and passing them out. I don't think they exist, and if they did

I did hear it! It was really compelling. I felt the desire to write an email to all the reporters at This American Life and to tell them that I actually like their voices. I know it shouldn't matter, but I think it kind of does. It's just natural... And, unfortunately, I can't say I do or don't miss Lindy. I'm more of

I'm not a lawyer at all, and I'm pretty sure this would/could never happen, but I would love to see those people charged with forgery...

From now on, when I get upset but don't have a good reason, it's because you misspelt Jesus. Not you as in the OP, just whoever happens to be around...

Here is how I see it. When you travel somewhere there is an expectation that you should try and understand, and to a reasonable point, cater to the customs of another culture. Here, there was a culture that was established for 50 weeks a year, and for 2 of them there were people coming in, who were clearly from a

Wow... Did he... Did he actually listen to you and stop? I'm not sure what to say. I don't think I've ever seen something like that happen... You could make a ton of money with your magical troll destroying powers!

I feel like I would have gone over my degrees, pointed out where that landed me, and then talk about how successful Gates and Zuckerberg were as dropouts.

I feel like their being Christians is relevant. He got a picture of Jesus as a tip. I don't think that atheists, jews, hindus, etc. do that. Also, as a someone who is not Christian and was raised in on the East Coast, seeing the extent of religiosity of can be pretty striking...

Really? I've known some really smart people in the military. Really smart enlisted people too. I went to an "elite" New England school, and I've met ex-military people who were definitely at that level. I've met ex-military doctoral level organic chemists. There are smart and stupid people in most professions....

I have worked in the field for 8 years and have met my share of parents who blame their child's autism on vaccines. It's real. Remember, experience (both yours and mine) is anecdotal. But it is my belief that there are more parents who are anti-vax who don't have children with autism, they are just scared that if they