
Cool. Cool. Good for you. Speaking of being defensive I hope you’re good at that because you’ll need it prior to the ass kicking i plan on giving you. Name a time and a place. Any time, anywhere. I plan on being there to deliver the smackdown you have been asking for since puberty. It’s just the price you have to pay

I was legit disappointed by how little Jerry had to do this season. He’s actually a pretty funny and relatable character who grounds the show in a way the other characters can’t. I’d argue he’s the “Heart” of the group more so than Morty (who while relatable and sympathetic in his own right, is also a little too

Also, where the fuck was Summer this season? She was like, as plot-integral (and funny) as Rick and Morty in Season 2, and then this season she was only in the A-story once. That was disappointing.

E.B. White??? Confused with C.S. Lewis? Not even T.H. White, which might make some sense. I notice you got J.R.R. Tolkien and G.R.R. Martin correct. This is NBG, DP. Fix PDQ. TTFN. Yrs, HGJ

Comedy is the lecherous little elf whispering in the king’s ear, always telling the truth about human behavior.

Robert Downey Jr. got nominated for a damn Oscar for doing satirical blackface.

Disagreed. It’s been about a 50/50 mix of good to meh this season to me. They’re doing a lot of navel gazing this season, along with broad, uncreative parodies that haven’t really landed for me. I didn’t really need another spoof of Mad Max, thanks. Or for a character to rattle off the most obvious take of the shallow

Olivia Munn, that’s why I’m defending her.

If having to pay for your own fancy dress is your definition of desperate and sad than you are definitely do well for yourself in this life.

I’m going to hazard a guess that you find a lot of things depressing.

I’ve heard of “going viral”, but THIS is ridiculous!

Yeah, it does seem like ‘our’ Rick isn’t the norm. He does seem to care about his family to some extent (which the Citadel Ricks seem to consider a weakness or ‘simplicity’), yet he is much more uncaring in regards to the plight of the Citadel (which the Citadel Ricks find important).

You seem fun.

At first I thought Morty was being sarcastic with the true level reaction.

No, I was always like this.

Conversely, if it *was* the norm, would they need to buy it?

Objectivity is a lie we tell ourselves to keep from screaming.

I’ve had similar feelings about this season and it’s helped me realise why I like the first two seasons as much as I do.

Simply put, there’s been a serious lack of Beth, Summer and Jerry this season, and I think it’s resulted in the show not being as grounded in a sense of “reality” like before. As much as the show has

This one felt hollow. Possibly because it involved so many different memories it seemed to be teasing a reveal, especially after last week’s episode. Nothing huge, but maybe another of rick’s memories of young morty, or a memory of Rick revealing something so consequential he had no other choice but to erase morty’s

You’re not alone.