
“It would be wrong to describe “Can’t Fight This Feeling” as “the Louis CK episode of One Mississippi.”

And did you notice how Pickle Rick hit the same bar on the xylophone yet it produced two clearly different tones? Are to believe that this is some sort of, heh heh, “magic” xylophone or something?

“Call me an old man but”

So your saying if I spread RATM on my lawn it will encourage turf growth? Or do I not understand similies?

RATM was never good

I would be careful with that line of reasoning. Lots of people choose to hide their own faults by pointing them out in others. Hello, Internet.

The biggest defense I see is not “innocent until proven guilty,” it’s “no one is accusing him of what he’s rumored to have done.” I think to conflate this with the Cosby situation is to be almost aggressively disingenuous. CK has no accus-ER, let alone accus-ERS. This is quite literally a rumor, not 50-odd women

“Dodging an incriminating question, or refusing to give credence to rumors?”

Oh man, are you the commenter who eats his own shit? You guys, you know he eats his own shit, right?

Man, this episode was so good... but not as good as mermaid puss!

That news team gag killed me. I loved how they just kept insulting the ugliest one on screen.

Geez. Smell your own farts, much? It’s a cartoon with characters that have ants in theirs eyes and some that are named Mr. Poopy Butthole.

“This seems like a good time for a drink, and a cold, calculated speech with sinister overtones.”

Ah yes. PornHub.

This is a celebrity chef thing. They all do it. You were lucky to get Fieri, actually. Andrew Zimmerman just kills and eats everyone and talks about how gamey and coppery they taste.

I’m not saying Food Network doesn’t have problems, but IF he is one, he’s a small one. I’d say the limitless number of douchebags (male and female) on that network are a much bigger problem than Fieri’s focus on “low food” (also, that term makes me want to strangle someone).

He’s not dismissing them at all. The author acknowledges they exist, but then presents context.

If you google the stories, all allegations come from one source; people related to David Page and Page Productions, who created DDD. Page and Fieri had a falling out over the show, and Food Network sided with the star, not

I personally won’t set foot in one of his restaurants after having seen the menus, and I don’t have an opinion of his personal life. That said:

Marrying your gay sister sounds like damage control vs one dude that is payed by a former business associate calling him homophobic? His sister died before the accused act even happened.

The gay marriage he officiated was for 101 couples. And he has a foundation and a book dedicated to his gay sister who died a few years ago.