
Why? I’m not super familiar with the post-GA seasons (I watched most of the teen seasons but couldn’t tell you what season any particular ep belonged to)

Agreed. Was that the only one though? I don’t have a perfect Survivor memory but I can’t think of a second example.

Why isn’t this in the main feed? Second week in a row I’ve had to search the recap out. Are they trying to kill Survivor discussion?

In regards to leaving Beth behind, I feel like that might be part of what makes our Rick special; there’s a good chance Ricks caring about Beths isn’t the norm. I suppose we’ll know more about potential explanations after next week though.

And as far as I’m aware, that one didn’t turn into a meme.

Yeah, I really wish they hadn’t released that scene as an animatic a year or so ago, I feel like without the oxygen of the offseason “I’m Pickle RIIIIIIICK” wouldn’t have become a thing.

I missed that one. Care to explain it?

Released where? On the app? Leaked to questionable streaming sites? A third option?

This motherfucker cannot keep time to save his life. That was legit painful.

I mean, let's not overstate Ozzy's challenge abilities here. In his 4 seasons of Survivor he's participated in (by my count) 13 individual challenges and won 7 (and was win-less this season, despite getting 2 endurance challenges). A fine percentage, but certainly not world-beating, especially when you consider that,

I saw someone mention that and thought it was a snarky reference to Millennials vs Gen X. (I also don't remember which season Andrea came from)

I mean, did they really need to vote out Ozzy? I get that he's good at endurance challenges (but Tai and Michaela can hang with him in a lot of those) but he doesn't have really any strategic chops and his social game is replacement level. I feel like he's the kind of guy who wins when there's no one else in the

Not sure why there's all this Ronaldo hate. I get that he's self-centered and that if he were a real person he wouldn't be any fun to hang out with. But viewed from the remove of fiction he's over-the-top enough that (at least for me) it's way easier to laugh at his obliviousness than to be annoyed by it. Like, him

It's especially amazing when you rewatch Season 1 episodes and remember just how grating his performance used to be. He's really grown into the role.

1) Hope the formatting gets fixed, would love to hear Eric's thoughts on the last few minutes.
2) Yeah it was odd how nothing in the room showed up in Steven's phone. That would seem to imply that Rose's room only exists in his head, but then Connie was able to see it in Open Book so idk.
3) Like Steven and "Rose"'s

Maybe; but then why wouldn't she look like a quartz is "supposed" to?

I do mean that Jasper, and I was talking about the shape of their gemstones, not their bodies.

Eric gets advance screeners; maybe he didn't know they aired two episodes today?

Also I believe Andy mentioned America in Gem Harvest.