
No they didn’t, Night in the Woods is on the list.

In fairness, Lauren only mishandled half of an idol. ;)

Lauren’s sister’s hug with Probst was great. I hate seeing Lauren go, but man did I question some of her decisions this episode. Announcing the idol clue to everyone? Giving that piece to Mike? I’ll blame it on fatigue and stress after 30 something days.

Joe was absolutely right at the end of the episode though: They

A caricature of a race is a racist caricature. That is how it works.

Are people not even allowed to talk about stuff that’s problematic or racist without sarcastic responses like this? Hari’s not shitting on the show, he’s addressing the topic as a lifelong fan, but the response to him has been this exaggerated “AH SO I GUESS WE SHOULD JUST BAN EVERYTHING?!” nonsense.

Didn’t watch the documentary did you?

Univision was only willing to pay for a crass course in copyediting, I’m afraid.

Santa knows what he did.

Yes, Survivor is all planned out by the producers. That’s why they let Caleb almost die during Kaoh-Rong, and Varner out Zeke at tribal in Game Changers. All part of production interference.

In the early seasons, when the shows were about 3 minutes longer, they’d actually be embarrassed to have a show come in short (usually denoted by the circus intro). In any event, even that extended intro is semi-recycled, given the Sea Monkeys (brine shrimp) intro from back in the day, and Homer’s solution to

Im a man and i was working at a deli when I was 19. There was this woman who would keep touching me. She would put her hands on my back as she walked by. The say I stood up to her and told her to stop touching me, she looked me in the eyes and said no. I ended up quitting my job on the spot only to be called back

It’s amazing that stupid people are never aware of how stupid they actually are.

Perhaps if you learned how to communicate and a bit of civility you wouldn’t look like such an asshole.

An MRA chode, seriously? Previously you posted

Are you seriously comparing someone not wanting their sex tape published without their consent to someone not wanting their history of committing sexual assault being released?

Yes, I know Peter Thiel wasn’t worried about Hogan’s privacy, but its still a very disingenuous comparison to make.

Everyone here has either

I was never one of those bros, so I don’t really know why I’m bothering opening myself up to this, but — this isn’t fair. The behavior that makes it difficult to come forward is attacking the credibility of accusers, blaming them for whatever happened, excusing the perpetrators, etc.

So... if you want actual concrete claims prior to vilifying someone you’re a rape apologist?

Yeah but first you have to beat Boring Hot Take Guy, who can’t see a single mention of this happy, positive cartoon without shoehorning suicide into the discussion, because that’s always tasteful.

I mean, you’re forgetting about the best all-girl alliance in Survivor history! The Black Widow Brigade of Micronesia. Still one of the best seasons ever